Sunday, November 22, 2009


Sing my song..... Apologies to Led Zeppelin........

Was a rambling out in the legal fields for a bit yesterday before I joined the fabulous JJ and Grace Kelly in the indoor. Had to give Gracie lots of mare glare in case she felt she would hone in on one of my boys but then she reminded me that he is her brother for F's sake. She even said the real word but being a lady I won't repeat it.

Not a whole lot going on my world. My BFF says the Bowen Lady is coming again for us and I am looking forward to that. Fabulous. The Bowen Lady lays her hands and makes me feel like I got a neck poke and I don't get violated in any way after!!!

How good is this????

Uber good I say.

Love to all


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Is here.

Usually The Mother Nature Dame is busy in cahoots with The Old Man Winter Dude but not this year. Finally it has become nice in our little neck of the woods. After months and months of slogging in it we have some nice days with sunshine and even the green yummies have started growing again. Praise be!!!!!

I was seriously P.Oed when My Mom went to the Royal Winter Fair and nothing came out for me. WTF is THIS I wonder. Rumour has it that she got new pink boots for her and My BFF overheard the humans yakking and apparently there are pink boots for me too but I have yet to see them. Mind you I did get a new smashing pink bucket for me room which I just love.

New kid across the hall, youngster, haven't thought of a blog name for him yet but I must say I do admire his style. Made a HUGE entrance to our little farm when My Mom introduced him to what was supposed to be his new gang and all seemed to be well at first but then a couple of hours later he decided to show off his jumping abilities and leaped out of the paddock!!!! Came running down the side of our paddock beside the indoor making all sorts of noise and you should have seen all the humans running around totally freaking out!! BAAAAWAAAHAAAAHAAAA!!! He is now hanging out next to Stinky in private quarters.

I tested My Mom's reflexes the other day when I realized the tire jump had been renovated and I took great affront to this. Silly woman was hanging off me after I did a spooky dookey side pass combination at it. Got me ran over to this for a good look. Yeah, yeah seen it before, done it before just wanted to make sure you were awake up there Mom!!!! Yeesh...... Not like I was trying to dislodge you on purpose or anthing.

I hear we have some new kids coming at the end of the month and a new gal for our little gang.

Well off to make sure that DHMBIAB keeps her derriere off the winter grub. Still can't figure WTF is up with that. Seriously

Love to all