Thursday, May 27, 2010


The mobile room unit pulled up a couple times this Sunday past. First for The Kid and then for My BFF and Mr. Showjumping Wannabe. Remember him from a post past when he jumped out of the paddock??? Really he is training for Dressage. Must have a talk with him about that.


This is My BFF doing her thing with the The Red Headed Wenchette we all love. Their first show together. Everyone was very proud and I don't know how she manages get an entourage every freakin' time. Glad they are all happy though

Mr. Handsome, The SJW was getting his hooves wet checking out the show grounds. Don't have a picture thingy for him. Must get My Human to have his human send me one.

The Kid doing his thing with his entourage. Good week for The Kid. Goes to his first show, is a superstar and then gets himself in the co-ed paddock that came to be this week. Waiting on a hay-mail from the Fat Bottomed One over there to find out what is going on. I tell you though, if they got boys and not us I am going to be un-holy P.Oed. More on that later.... Digressing.......


Check out his HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAHAAAAA. My Mom said it looked like a bad perm she got in the 80's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Picture thingy isn't doing this justice. Get My Mom to haymail you the original.......


Love to all


Saturday, May 01, 2010


The human came bouncing into the barn this morning and announced the following little ditty....

"Hay, hay, it's the first of May,
Outdoor screwing starts today.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

My friend in the other field, that fat bottomed gal got this idea a day earlier.

Shimmied under the the fence and got into the gelding field and was being very unladylike enticing the boys.....


Love to all