Wednesday, August 04, 2010

BACK AT IT............

I guess I shouldn' complain........

As if..........!!!!

Took My Human for a little spin the other day. A little test ride so to speak. See how I was....

Just fine let me tell you....... I strode around the indoor like I was a youngin'. Thinking, you see, that would get me out of there so we could go and hack.

And off we did......... I must say that it was nice to get out back and get re-acquainted with the Portal to Hell ditch and the freaking fly frenzy. No, really, it is was nice, really.....


We were going along the trail..... la tee dah...... When it happened.....

Got stung in the freaking teats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was doing airs above the ground, yelling to My Mom "My teats............ MY FREAKIN TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETS............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course The Human is up there saying "what the eff............."

The bloody hell I have to go through.......

Love to all except that teat stinging creature