Friday, July 29, 2011


Busy, busy, busy......................................

So much goin' on at the little farm.......

Yesterday, it was just the best thing...

I was a little pissy being dragged to the outdoor AGAIN yesterday. Seems My Mom feels she needs to shed a few pounds (this is SO true but don't tell her I says so!!!) so she is ridin'.

A lot.....

Anyhoo...... Jumps were up yesterday which is not unusual but after we lumbered around warmin' up she pointed me at one... I'm thinkin' can this be for real???? No bloody dressage....... Thinkin' she was punkin' me I took the first one at a trot, nice and steady and praise the Horse Goddess we went over it.

Yippee!!!! Then we did a couple more at canter and I was so happy and excited!!!! We were both happy to be jumping again.

Then, at dinner time Dr. Betty came for my treatment which is always nice but it was DINNER TIME. Having my dinner delayed doesn't please me but My Mom picked up my dish and served me while Dr. Betty was doing her thing.

I was just in horse heaven. Having My Mom serve me dinner with Dr. Betty rubbing me down. I was so happy I was just fartin' up a storm which pleases Dr. Betty. Anything to make you all happy I say!!!!! Keep it up ladies!!!!

I'm a SUPER STAR.........

I am!!!

Love to all


Friday, July 01, 2011


Happy Canada Day


Love all