Tuesday, August 26, 2008

TRAVELLING MAN.......................

Yesterday the mobile room unit came up the drive. I am thinking yawn......... Someone new, someone going to a show, someone coming home from show................

The Day Guy had put me out and I was lumbering my aching body around my paddock and then I saw....... I had to rub me eyes with me hooves....... By the far corner of my paddock I could see him.........

The lovely JJ was back!!!!! What happened I wondered. I gathered the girlies and we all ran over to chat him up over the fence. Seems he didn't like the footing at CARD so he is back home at our place. Really he is a lifer!!!!! He came to our little farm on the same day the humans had their open house years ago. Nearly the very first boarder!!!!!

Happy, happy he is to be home. Back in his paddock with Elvis and The Kid.

Plus my Mom says we have a new boy coming tomorrow and he will go in Speedy G's old stall.

So our little barn is full again.

Off to admire the guys



Monday, August 25, 2008


I am so sore.............

On Friday past I was screwing with me human's head and thought it would be funny to run out of my room backwards when she had my door slightly ajar. I usually don't do things like this, but I thought I would be a free spirit and amuse myself. I ran into the door of The Diva's room and I didn't tell anyone but I busted it!! Just let on like nothing happened, and thank you very much all you other kids in your rooms yelling whoo whoo trying to get me in doo-doo!!! Anyway my Mom checked me over since I knew she would be more worried about me than the door and I almost got away with this too....

The next morning she is looking at the door thinking WTF did the Diva do........ Hee, hee. Diva is looking at her and telling her not me, it was your own bloody mare you silly wench.... But me human didn't listen... Grumbling around....... I just put on my happy good morning face and said here's a kissy for you Mom!!!!

Later we were out hacking with the White Stallion and I could hardly move. We were cantering in the forbidden fields and I had to stop. My Mom was up there thinking, what is up???? I heard her talking to the other head wench something is wrong here. She is getting fitter but she seems to be very ouchy. So we took it easy, just walking around and she let me go at my own pace and I did a little trot and felt ok and then a little canter and it was ok. Coming home I could hardly get up the little hill in a trot and I had to stop again.

Then it happened. Light bulb went off in her head!!! I heard her say to the other Head Wench. It wasn't the Diva that busted the door it was my girl. Foiled, drat, rats, spit - found out again!!!

So she checked me over again and the humans all felt that I was just sore. Thinking I would get some time off........ BUT NO.......... Who shows up the next day........ The coach!!!!

I am thinking this can't be happening. I can't have a lesson. So I put on my best I can't DO this but no one is buying it. I am being asked to trot, go forward, work from my bum......... Triple WTF!!! I try balking, I try bending the wrong way, I try going backwards, sideways EVERYTHING. I hear Mom asking my coach, I don't think she is lame but she must be sore from bashing into the door. Ya DUH Ladies!!!!! I get checked over again and I am thinking this must be it, I will get to back to my girls but no............................ Work some more. Finally I just gave up and co-operated and did my thing.

Later at night I gave her the best dirty look I have but she just rolled her eyes......

Anyway, I hear my Mom is tossing back the Advil today too..... I could really use some Bute here............


Off to bitch to the girls



Friday, August 22, 2008


Everyone is so proud

I wouldn't kick Hickstead out of my room for leaving cookies!!!!!



Thursday, August 21, 2008


The New Girl, Royal Cousin and Don't Hate Me Because I Am Beautiful (more on her later) snuck in a huge big screen TV and we have it hidden behind the poop pile.

Watching the Lympics!!!

Holy Canada, we won us a GOLD MEDAL today!!! Hickstead that stud muffin stallion went clear, clear and more clear and we got to hear Oh Canada on the TV. On top of the podium!!! Hickstead's human Eric did good too. How about that I ask!!! Just made us all so proud.

Plus the entire team got a silver medal the other day so we just rule in Show Jumpin'!!!!!

Off now dreaming of medals!!!

Maple Leaf
Love to all


Thursday, August 14, 2008

HAPPENINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL, NOT MUCH!!!!!

Since I didn't go to the Olympics.................!!!!

But I am in training for the horse trial.............

Horse Racing

Looks like us in the legal fields!!! Well if I am following Miss Saddlebred.

Me Mom says the coach will visit this weekend which is a GOOD thing since my Mom needs help. I am perfect but man she needs lessons again!!!

I hear we are schooling at the Eventing yard soon with the White Stallion and his Brother and maybe two of the kids from the other barn.

Updates soon

Love to all


Wednesday, August 06, 2008


The equine kind, that is!!!

Seems I heard a rumour that the LandShark's Dad said that my ass was two Big Macs AND a Quarter Pounder!!!!

I thinks that the LandShark should take her wide load and help this poor ass out!!!!


Hee Haw!!!




Friday, August 01, 2008

IT'S A LONG WEEKEND HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This makes the humans really happy.


I know mine is off tonight to hang with her human BFF and get on the wine so I will not be seeing her until later and I may step on her foot when she comes to pick mine and tuck me in!!!!

Everyone have a good one!!!
