Wednesday, December 24, 2008



With so much going on it nearly slipped me by!!! Sure my room has a stocking and tinsel and I am a very festive horsie....... Don't you snicker at me in the next room Frauline; I am so festive, just you remember that the round bale belongs to me.... OR ELSE!!!!

Right now, back to it. I have been so bothered by the effing weather that I lost my focus. Let me tell you about that. Snow, snow and more freaking snow. So much that the hay people were having trouble bringing the grub!!! What will happen???? The food is still coming like normal and yesterday truck rumbled up with more of the outside hay. For me!!!!

OMG!!! I nearly forgot this too. My little herd is matchy, matchy!!!! I have my big winter dress on (new one!!!) and Little Miss Sweetie Pie has the same!!! More on her later, but she is bay like me. My BFF has this plaid number on and Miss Frauline has the same!!! Then there is DHMBIAB....... wait for it!!! She is naked!!!! She says you got to show it off when you got it. Not sure what she means by that, but I am thinking she may be giving me a poke!!!!!

Back to Christmas..... What will be in my stocking for me this year?? I have so been a good girl and Santa knows this. Plus I am sure the Human will be giving me more stuff. Plus I should be getting bunches of treats. It is hard work being me!!!! You betcha!!!!!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas

Love to all


Saturday, December 20, 2008



NO, really I hate the stuff!!!!

I nearly drowned yesterday. I could't believe no one was coming to get us!!!! WTF!! It just kept coming and coming and coming!!! Finally my human showed up and IF you can believe she took DHMBIAB BEFORE ME!!!!

Slogging in it we were. Took 3 humans hours to get us kids in. Canada eh!!!! Effing bite me!!!! I think we need to move somewhere warm!!!

Not likely.

Now I had better watch were I put my hooves since Christmas is this week. I have a stocking on the door of my room and I had a candy cane in there which I was saving but someone stole it!!! TRIPLE WTF.... WHO would deprive me???? The human was even perplexed!!!!

My big leg is getting better and Mom keeps sticking stuff on my mud fever. Need that to go away.

New kid came in this week and is across the hall from me. A boy, cute, bay like me.

Short post since we have this dial up thing these days and I don't like it and neither does the human so I will sign off.

Remember, Christmas, send me stuff!!!

Love to all


Sunday, December 14, 2008



So much happenin' lately I don't even know where to begin. I guess at the begining is the best spot. Well here goes.....

Sent the human off to the cash job and she came home early one day and is still home. Seems they do not want her anymore at the cash job and now she is home all the time. I was VERY worried about this change of situation especially how it relates to my status but my BFF told me that she heard our Moms talking about it and it seems my Mom is ok on the cash front so I don't have to worry about this.

Just to test things out I stood shivering in my "Rolla" dress (only a mid weight you know and this IS Canada) on a colder than Hades day and sure enough me lovely Mom went out and got me a new heavy weight. Smashing little teal number for the coldest of days. Phew!!! Still gittin' stuff so the BFF must be right about this.

My BFF's hurting tootsie is getting much better but I just got to laugh at the bale!!!!! Miss Frauline and my BFF have the same dress and they come with neck attachments!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA aaaaaaaahhhhhh.......!!!!!!! Miss Frauline is wearing hers but not the BFF!!!!

Oh yeah!!! I had a case of big leg so I have been givin time off for the last couple of weeks for my swelling to come down. Mom sweated my leg for a couple of days because it looked like a tree trunk and the human was looking at it and touching me all the time. I have to watch my step since she is around to check on me I can't get pissy at the bale. I must tell you all that "Don't Hate Me Because I Am Beautiful" keeps trying to upsurp my authority in my gang. WTF???? I know I have promised to diss on her for a bit and since I have my hooves on the new lap tap (confused a bit since I don't have a lap......?????) but I do know how to tap!!!!

Anyway DHMBIAB is an Andulusian..... All together now everyone say Whipee......!!!! Plus she is a grey and has a freakin' black mane and she thinks that she is EVERYTHING!!!!! IF you can believe she thinks she is in charge. TRIPLE WTF.........!!!!!!!???? Since she is somewhat limited in the brain power department and she comes screaming to the bale in the morning like a freaking banshee, I git out of her way. I am biding my time. The other day she tried to get in front of me when my Mom came to get me and I let her know. This is my HUMAN, you have your own human so bugger off. She was a little surprised and the next day she didn't get in my space at the bale. Plus I laugh under my breath when they bring her to the gate. Pony Club rules for her!!!!! HEE HEE.

I have a new youngin in my gang. She is a little bay morgan with great hair but I have yet to think up a blog name for her. I will soon I promise.

All the other kids on the farm are good.... Little Miss Saddlebred's tendon is getting better. We have another new girl in the LandShark's bunch. She yells a lot so I have to think of her blog name too. All the others are still here and doin' fine. Mind you Elvis has been bad with his dress and the Kid's too. His humans are geting them dresses like they are goin out of style but he keeps wrecking them. I must have a chat with him about becoming more stylin'!!!!

Anyhoo I must tap off since the human wants to check her hay mail.

Off to the round bale and I shove DHMBIAB out of the way. It is a new one afterall

Love to all