Wednesday, March 30, 2011


With the bloody spacey bar on the 'puter. I knows about paragraphs. ALWAYS something as My Human says Love to all HRH

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Not in good way............. Kinda like a "One Flew Over the Coo-Coo Nest way........ I thinks she is seriously questioning her sanity about the little boarding stable and the goin's on. I hears her mutterin about some one named Oscar who ever the eff he is..... Maybe another new boy for the barn... Since it is all about us kids I am happy to say that The Show Jumping Wannabe is fine and dandy. He got himself rushed off to the horse hospital and ended up having to have an operation. I knew it was bad when the mobile room unit showed up and My Mom and his rushed off after it. We all asked The Horse Goddess to intervene and so she did and soon he was home but on room rest. I know he is feeling much better since he is giving me the eye and I wink at him when I gets turned around in front of his abode. My BFF has done a little show and did her best as usual..... Very excited since she is off to do a clinic at one of the cathedral barns...... Bunch of the humans from our little barn is heading off to watch the big name dressage guy. Bloody hell. Can't escape all the dressage stuff. My Human will probably come home and wants to do this. Shoulder in...... give that the bird...... more like butt at you.... THAT would be a great move.. Here you go butt at you at E....... I would gets me a ten!!!!!! A new gal came in a while back and she can't see. Chatted her up and she says she hears very well so I have put her on rumour control. Plus I hears I'm getting another "Betty". This is my new best thing. She is a massage lady but also does the bone moving thing. I gots my hock adjusted last time and I felt like a filly on a spring day afterward. Made My Mom very happy. Speaking of Spring...... I hopes the Ole Man Winter dude packs up and the Mother Nature Dame turns on the warm and the green nummies make their appearance. Off to bring on the warm Love to all HRH

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

TURN IT OFF.......

Buried In Snow

Enough already.........

Love to all


Monday, March 07, 2011


Oh my..........

What the SERIOUS efffff.....???????

I seem to remember that the February month last year was no screaming joy at the little farm either.

My take is the Old Man Winter Dude makes the humans all crazy. He and the Mother Nature Dame in cahoots again.

Lately nothing but leaking skies, tons of the bloody white stuff and unbelievable Winged Monkeys.

My Mom, back and forth with her Miss Piggie face on. FYI - this means she is not amused.

Still, it can always be worse.......

I know we are all ready for Spring to come. The green yummies and nice warm breezes. Hacks in the forbidden fields. Hangin' out with the girlies...


Checking in with the Ground Hog.

Git things movin' would ya buddy.....

Love to all