Saturday, April 23, 2011


And it is my day.....

I's 20 in human years. I must say that I am just a little pissed though........

My Human wished me Happy Birthday and was empty handed in the swag department.

All week long I been hearin' the humans laughing about something and this is it.

This is my present??? My Mom says that she is the curator and that Auntie Kim will make a picture thingy of it for me for my room wall.

WTF is up with this. Where is my usual swag????? Sure I have the Birthday Girl tiara and a sign on my room announcing my big day but why am I gettin' a statue of a kid on a piano? It must have some reference to the dreaded dressage since it talks about prancing to music.

The torture never ends.....

Been busy with the annual poking in the neck recently and plus the devil pony showed up in our paddock the other day complete with a Hannibal Lectur mask. Apparently she was terrorising the Keeper of the Rumours and got herself ousted and into our gang. I am going to be much more agreeable to the riding thing since the HL mask slows down the eatin' of the green nummies and I don't want My Human gettin' ideas that I'm getting too voluptuous.

Thankfully the nummies are comin' up but the Mother Nature Dame has been royally p.o.ed as of late tossing all sorts of skies at us all. Yeesh.......

A least today on my big day the sun has come out, My Human is not lumbering around up on my back and I am hanging with the girlies.

I'm sure I will be getting better swag later or at least some effin' treats.

Off to look for cake

Love to all


1 comment:

Djenne said...

I'm wishing you all the luck of the world so you can party like its your birthday! :-)