Wednesday, February 15, 2012


No bitchin' about this month this year :)!!!!!!!!

OMG it has just been spectacular..... The Groundhog Rodent says early spring and The Mother Nature Dame must have punched out Ole Man Winter!!!

Hardly any white stuff or cold stuff. We have even seen green nummies in our field and it is only the February month and this is CANADA!!!!!!! Better shut up though since things have been known to change in a hurry this time of year and I don't want to jinx anything!!!!!

Plus My Mom has been busy at the little farm so there has not been a lot of lumbering around on my back. Just a couple of hacks in the legal fields, no biggie!!!! Spendin' my days eatin' up the winter grub and hangin' out.

Oh, and I hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day yesterday......

Love to all


1 comment:

apkany said...