Sunday, July 08, 2012

Back on line

Finally got back here.   Still the shit show trying to make this work so I'm going to have The Human get me a new blog page since this one is like the pasture in the spring time.... 

Really, I would prefer to have face-book but The Human says no way.

The Keeper of the Rumours has joined our gang.   This means we now have two kids that can't see in the paddock with us.  

Last weekend everyone was in raging heat and there was so much girl love going on I just told them all to go join the parade that was happening in the city. 

Oh yeah.   I have a sore leg and I'm getting wrapped every night with the sweats.  It is getting better but I'm missing all the best hacking time in the summer.

Plus it has been so effing hot here.    Like Hades.   My Mom says stuff about fresh hell but there ain't been nothin' freash about anything or anyone for that matter.

Goin' to work on My Human to get the face page and when I do I will post here so my followers will know where to find me.

Off to lobby my super duper terrific bestest human in the world

Love to all



jeremy said...

That feels much better i guess.

Unknown said...