Friday, September 28, 2007

Getting to Know Me


Some of you may have received my emails in the past but now I have my own blog. For those who don't know me I am a 16 year old gorgeous horse who lives the best life at a boarding stable that my human has in Canada. Life hasn't always been that great for me but since I have owned my human for about 9 years now, she makes sure I get everything and I am her pride and joy. For those who know, you all understand why. For those who have yet to meet me you will understand why.

I hang out all day with my posse. A group of great gals. There are 7 of us in our little field at at the moment.

All together we have many horses on our farm. Big ones, little ones, pretty ones (of course I am the prettiest).

We all have pretty good adventures and I will tell you all about them.


Islandgirls said...

Lordy,lordy HRH,you've gotten way to soft on that human,where has the buck and bite gone girlfriend? I learned well from you and almost did the job on my blasted human last year and had she not hung on so long as I dragged her, I might have finished her off. I am forever trying though and guess what..she knows my bucking secret now and I CAN"T dislodge her...BUT, I have discovered that pretending to be lame helps keep her off,Yep,you should try it,Vet nearly foiled my plan by telling her that I was OK but I started hobbling from the barn and she cried....when I got to the field I stopped pretending....know what though,I don't trust her,she was spying later that day.The gray beast that I am forced to share my paddock with has tried to hone in on the treats that the human brings,why she even behaves while being ridden,NOT ME I SAY! But she gets better treats...our brother sems to be doing well over at the farm, the human goes to see him every week and comes back with boring stories about how cute he is....I usually just 'give her the bum' and pretend not to listen, afterall I am the islandprincess..lest anyone forget. my human says she may visit you soon, warn your friends, she's not afraid to ride anymore and someone may therefore be in trouble,run away,far far away when you see her coming...that works for me.Gotta go now,I see a car stopping and that means treats...oooo there are shopping bags,get away from the human gray beast,,,,they are MINE,all MINE......

As The Manure Turns said...

Hi there Island Girl, how are tricks???? Yup I have taught you well. I tried the lame thing too but the human went out and got me a new saddle and it is really nice so I stopped. I did a little spook in the hay field the other day trying to dislodge her but it doesn't work and it was too hot anyway so I let her think she is having her own way. I HATE it when the humans start leaking. WTF is up with that?????

You better be careful of the Grey Beast, she could be the one telling on you. You know trying to hone in on your position of superiority. I can't imagine my human getting me a sister. I would be sooooooo pissed. I'm still upset that the furry feline ally cat crosses get to live in the house with her and get this, get this sleep on the bed. I think I should the one in there since I am the most important member of the family. As well, I have to share my treats with my BFF and the White Stallion but I guess there is enough for all of us. I remember when your human came and visited us in the spring. She rode one of my girlies. Thanks for the warning, I will let all the kids in barn know she may be coming and to WATCH OUT!!! By the way, thanks for the mints you sent me, but the human ate them all and I didn't get any. Send me more

Love HRH!!!