Friday, October 05, 2007


The other day the wenchettes let me and my posse outside and we were doing our thing and then suddenly I hear this loud noise coming up the driveway. Me, my BFF and the Land Shark (the Land Shark thinks she is the boss of all of us but we just let her think that - we are not scared of her) are looking at this human on this mechanical thing with two wheels and it is belching noise and smoke and stuff. Suddenly there are 5 or 6 of them plus a whole bunch of those bicycle things and strange humans running all over the farm.

I know my human likes to sleep on Sunday morning and all of a sudden I see her coming out and marching down the driveway. Since I have superhorse senses I can read her mind and she is muttering WTF. Seems these people have set up for a bike ride and are using our farm as a rest stop. I can tell my human is not amused. The Land Shark and I are waiting for the fireworks to start and I can see her waving her hands around. Soon the belching two wheelers are moved and the bike things are on their way and we have peace and quiet in our little home.

I heard the humans talking the other night and the bike people sent to the farm a really nice gift basket with all sorts of stuff that humans like to eat. The Land Shark told me there are good things in there that she likes and I had better get the apricots for her or she will beat me up in the paddock. HAHAHAHA, as if, I will let my Mom deal with her

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