Monday, October 29, 2007


I shot the sheriff.............

Not sure what the human is talking about but she says I have dreadlocks. She says I am a Rasta horse.

I have been in the far end of the field with my good buddy the LandShark and we keep coming back with burrs on us. I had them in my mane, tail, forelock, on my purple rainsheet. Just covered was I. The human even came out in the field to take them off me yesterday. I am thinking that she should just leave me alone to eat. I was embarrassed that she was picking them off me so I took it out on the Diva. I didn't dare give the human mare glare so Diva was in my line of fire and she got the ugly face. WTF is up with the human, next thing you know she will be out there cleaning my privates.

I caught a glimpse of the neck on the White Stallion the other day. Halter tag gone amok with Stinky. Those two boys, well using the term loosley play rough. So WS has a big lump on his neck which didn't make the other Head Wench happy. He spit all over my human the other night when she gave him meds to bring down the swelling. I was so laughing in my room since she was covered in white slop. Got away with it too. She still tucked me in that night with my carrot ration. I so rule!!!!!

It was pretty boring this weekend. The human didn't get on me at all, but I did get a good grooming last night and got lots of treats so that was fine, fine, fine.