Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I hope that all the friends of my human had a happy Thanksgiving and ate lots of turkeys. Best thing about them is on the dinner table but I digress here. If you know my human please tell her to stop talking about the turkey hack and bolt from years ago. It is getting around the barnyard and my reputation is at stake here. YEESH!!!! MOM!!!!!!

Anyhoo, I start the weekend doing what I do best (eating and hanging out for those who don't know) and I am thinking it will be that way all weekend. Saturday morning I see my human coming for me and I think she coming out to give me a scratch and treat, but noooooooooo she is dragging me in the barn. I'm thinking, you are disturbing my day and WHY are getting me early anyway. Turns out I'm going on a hack with my BFF, The White Stallion and the Diva. I had to protest and I tried to tell my human we are not going, I want to eat, bugger off but AS USUAL she MAKES me go. The White Stallion is getting to close to my beautiful butt and I had to give him mare glare. He understands that perfectly and even though he is a boy (he thinks he has his bits and we don't tell him otherwise) he got off my ass. My human dragged us all over the fields but I must admit it was nice to get out with my girlies.

Then again yesterday. I am thinking this all too much. I don't work this hard anymore and why are you getting me again. Back out hacking with the White Stallion and his human. We went to the forbidden fields and it was sooooooo hot out. We are cantering along and the White Stallion is getting way ahead of me. I just can't imagine his gall so I take matters into my own hands and deke across the hay field trying to cut him off. Of course my human is having none of this and I even saw him laughing at me when she made me stop. The nerve. Anyway I made sure I was in front for the way home and when we got there all the other kids saw me coming in first. At least I got a nice shower and got to eat grass in the special field.

Very excited, the carrot lady came today. Treats for me!!!!

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