Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I am so excited!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! If the rumours are true I am going to do a horse trial and a short course, plus go schooling at the local eventing yard. I can't wait to get out and show off. All the other horses will be jealous of me in my styling new purple dress. It has fancy stuff on the bum part. Mom says it's my show sheet but I can wear it from time to time right now because I look so good in it!!!!

My coach was up on Sunday and my human gave a demonstration of what not to do jumping. I had to find her spots for her and then she was behind the jump and then she was in front of the jump and then she was dropping me in front of the jump. I'm thinking WTF you better get it together or I'm not taking you to the horse trial. You will embarrass me in front of all the other show horses and I'm not having that. I can't have sub-quality on my back in front of others. Fortunately, our coach helped my human and by the last jump she was somewhat in the groove. She needs to practise. I think she should practise on some other kid until she has it together since I am just so together and she is not. Maybe Speedy G or the Devil Pony could fill in since they both owe me.

Oh yeah, speaking of Speedy G, her pet teenage human went and got her the same purple sheet as me. COPY CAT!!! Anyway Speedy has the purple shipping boots to match and my human says she is going to get me some too. Mine better have bling on them.

Today is carrot day and the human got the cash in the right place this week for the carrot lady so we don't have to worry about the never ending treat supply.

Love to all


Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I can't tell you how horrified I am. Seems my human FORGOT to get the carrot money out for the carrot lady and now I have none. Not only do I not have any, neither does my BFF or the White Stallion. Plus another kid in the other barn that I don't know.

I was not very happy about this development to say the very least. WTF!!!! A whole week without carrots, we will not be ourselves. Thinking up ways to show my displeasure let me tell you. Did I ever give her the bum last night when I found this out. I am looking at her saying we do not have enough for all of us and plus they are carrotcicles because it is still so freaking cold here. Get this problem solved.

So thankfully Twizzle's Mom had ordered some bags for her coach and my human got smart and started grovelling big time to borrow these bags and get more for her coach later. I love Twizzle's Mom, she rocks!!!!

So anyway, now my Mom and my BFF's Mom will go out on the weekend and get more. Plus I heard a rumour that these two have got something special for me and my BFF coming. I don't know what it is but it had better be good since I am just beside myself over the carrot fiasco. Of course I can be bought. The human knows this.

She knows!!!!


Kicking Dirt

Monday, January 21, 2008


OMG!!!!!!!!!!! This is the winter that just will not go away. Bad enough that the white stuff kept falling now we have days that are so cold I just want to stay inside.

Yesterday my Mom split up our group yesterday and I was out with my BFF, the LandShark and Twizzle. By noon we are all hollering to come in. We finally got our wish and then the others went out. We all had white whiskers. Anyway, my Mom had the good sense to give us lots of hay in our rooms and we were all happy, happy.

It is very cold again today so we are not going to be a full group again. At least I get to eat the round bale first as is my due. Not that I am high maintenance or anything. Yeesh!!!

Not much else is new. Hard to do anything when it is so cold. No way my human is going to make me run around the indoor in this weather. Hard to tell who hates the cold more her or me. We do need to get on with it though since she is saying we can do a horse trial in the Summer. I really want to.

Anyway. I hear the day wench calling for us to come in and I am ready.

Love to all


Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Well the human has been sick so I have not been able to use the computer. Looks like things are back to normal now.

Yet another new kid in our field. I am doing my best to make her understand that she is the low gal in our bunch. I can't believe she had the nerve to do this, but she spit all over my Mom trying to get the mints out of her pocket. Can you imagine. The LandShark was totally pissed since she gets the mints at bedtime. So my human comes to my room after she did this and all I can smell is this interloper's spit on my human. GET YOUR OWN HUMAN!!!! And stop with the drooling on her.

The coach was up the other day. OMG is my human out of shape. We did a lesson with the White Stallion and his human the other head wench. I was good but my lord is my human out of it. I guess I have to be nicer since she was sick and all, but she felt like a tub of lard up there. It was good see our coach. This means I may be able to show off this summer after all. Back at it every two weeks again.

Anyway the human wants the computer back since she has to do this thing called work. It pays my bills you know and you all know how important that is. I am the family priority as you all well know.

Chat soon


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I'M BAAAACCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure you all missed my wit and wisdom!!!!!!!

I had a Good Christmas. Got stuff. I was very surprised that the balls I got didn't involve carnal relations with the stud muffin of my choice. Rather it is food. Uncle Jimmy's Hanging Balls!!! It hangs in my stall and I'm trying to eat the thing and it keeps moving so I can only git a bit at a time. Oh well, if I can't get it on then food is the next best thing.

My Mom was home all last week. I got my pedicure, my massage and a visit from the horse Doc. Nothing serious so don't you all fret. They just took a little of my blood to make sure that I'm the prime specimen I am.

What I really like about this Christmas thing is that the stuff the human gets ends up being mine!!!! How good is that????

It has been a crazy week. All the gals are in heat and lusting after the boys in the barn. We all did a good run around the paddock the other day and impressed the humans and all the boys. I get really cranky when I'm in the heat so all the girlies better stay away. Boys come on over, bring it on I say, but you all know I don't lift my tail for just anyone. Still liking Mr. Cool the best since he is so debonairre.

Other than that it has been kind of quiet so the human is happy. So those who bug her don't wreck it by acting like an asshat. This makes my human cranky and she isn't even in heat.

Must be off now, hay to eat and boys to git
