Wednesday, August 06, 2008


The equine kind, that is!!!

Seems I heard a rumour that the LandShark's Dad said that my ass was two Big Macs AND a Quarter Pounder!!!!

I thinks that the LandShark should take her wide load and help this poor ass out!!!!

Hee Haw!!!





Islandgirls said...

Hi-di-ho from reform school HRH. As they say at that big yellow M place, ‘ I’m Lovin It’
That place is great, my human torments me occasionally but that’s about it, and I’ve started to enjoy these work out sessions, my bum is so shapely now that last night, two,,,,count em HRH, TWO boys goosed my ass at the SAME TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was just standing there coyly and pretending to behave for my human ( all the while, mind you, thinking what I could do to get to the green stuff outside)
Lover boy was in his stall and he had not seen my beauty before but we talk through the walls at night, and he kept nudging me and trying to get me to chat, I was playing it cool when CHOMP….he bit my bum,,,he did and that’s not the worst, Karl on the other side who is a bully in the best of times, he BIT my other cheek at the same time….WTF,WTF, WTF, WTF, I ask you WTF was happening. I let LB have it with my hind end and said, ‘here you want it, have it in the chops pal’, he was afraid and rightfully so and he hid in his corner. I then assed to Karl and told him to bring it on, he is horrible, all teeth and flattened ears, what’s his problem I wonder, he just came at me again but I let it be known that his mean faces do not scare me, no way. I just told him ‘sucks to be you in there, cause I’m out here and going to eat green stuff’…he was pissed….I was tempted to add ‘bite me’ to the repertoire but thought better after the prior incident. That one scares me sometimes on purpose, he waits till I’m almost asleep then he kicks his wall, he makes my human jump sometimes too…
Anyway, I forgave LB cause I know he was only flirting but Karl is in my bad books forever.
I got a pedicure also other day and I was soo good they were all impressed. This school stuff must be helping me,,,the drugs are pretty good too, I know my feed is spiked but it makes me feel good so who cares…
I also just found out that I’m getting a new summer dress for being so good at reform school and it should arrive next week, its bright orange and I saw one of the other girlies with the same one so I know it will look hot on me, better than on her for sure…well really gotta dash, I hear the food machine coming with lunch.
Your pal Sol

As The Manure Turns said...

Hi Sol,

I have been a wondering what you been up to lately!!!

So you have two boys after you eh!! Lordy, lordy!!! You lucky. I have not been admired by the boys lately. My Mom and I have been lone wolves trying to get ready for the eventing show. Just her and I out in the legal fields. We are trotting and trotting and trotting. I have to out run the GIANT bugs you know!!

Anyway the human is happier since I am and her too getting fitter.

I just heard a rumour via the hay mail that Auntie Donna is coming to coach us every Sunday until the big show September 20th!!!

Not much else going on here. Just dragging my beautiful butt around for me human, who, I might add is riding terribly at this moment. I am SO glad the coach is coming because she is in DIRE need of lessons. Lousy flat work, timing off on the jumps. She nees work I tell ya!!!!

Hanging with the girls all day. No one new but I hear some kids are leaving.

More will be coming. This is what happens at the boarding stable. They come, they go. Oh well. As long as it is not anyone I love, like MY BFF or the LandShark or Brad Pitt or any of my other buddies.

We have LOTS of green stuff since the skies have been leaking so much lately. It feels nice to get a little shower during the day and then roll in the mud!!!!

I got my pedicure this week as well. Plus my massage a little while ago!!

It is so hard to be me!!! But like the ad says

I'm worth it!!!!



Islandgirls said...

you are so lucky, I can't get the massagey thing here, no one does it my human has been told, like much out here in the back woods. Your lucky to be working your butt off, I'm getting mine CHEWED off by the boys!and not in a good way I tell ya! I have found some forbidden fields at reform school, they are glorious and my human sayd I can someday run along the legal part of them and even through them once the green is gone and on a sunny dry day, BUT i have to take her with me<:{
Hmmmm, decision, decisions...must go, hearing the hay train, me mudder will be here soon to make me work

As The Manure Turns said...

The sky has been leaking here so so much that I have only been in the legal fields for warm up. Was supposed to go to the forbidden fields the onther day with the White Stallion but it was leaking again, lots and my Mom was feeling poorly and took to her couch. I didn't see her all night until the very end when she came to tuck us all in. Looked a little grey I tell you.

Yesterday she was better but Coach Donna didn't come because of big red fire balls in the city and her 4 wheel smoke belcher couldn't come. So we just ran around the legals and then did the dressage pattern (ugh - again) one time in the indoor. I was good so she left it at one go.

I am lucky to get the massage thing for sure. I love all the humans who look after me. My massage guy, my pedicurist and his posse, the lovely Dr. M and Dr. Di!!! Plus the bone moving guy, he rocked!!!

You need to come and visit. Bring the Grey Goddess and your Mum. We will put the humans on the wine and have fine party ourselves.
