Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Day is done, gone the sun........


SERIOUSLY!!!! Putting my cranky thong on again this morning when the rain dress is back on. Yesterday we are all like fillies frolicking in the fresh fields of green grass and warm sun-shine and today, back to leaking skies, mud and more mud.

The shoe sucking mud.

Triple WTFola!!

Off to sink and stink!!!!

Love to all


Sunday, April 26, 2009


OMG it is turning into B. Day Week!!!! Well a couple of days for me anyway.

We all got cake yesterday. Horsie cake!!! It was Little Miss Sweetie Pie's B. Day yesterday and the LandSharks today so LMSP's Human made cake for everyone!!! It was so yummy. LOOOVED this!!! My Mom even let me have seconds since it was a special occasion.

Plus I got remembered by My BFF and MM too and I thank them both for being my buddies. Loves you girlies!!!! I love everyone really. Really I do. Really.

Just a short note today since My Mom wants the 'puter.

Love to all


Thursday, April 23, 2009


I'm eighteen and I donno what I got but I like it, love it, yes I do. I'm eighteen and I apologise to Alice Cooper!!!!!!

The big day today. I was effing bug eyed when I saw the lovely Dr. M today (again - WTF????) and I am getting the freaking nose vaccine ON MY EFFING BIRTHDAY!!!! Will the torture ever stop???????

Spent the day hanging with my homeys. Got to see some sun today finally since we have been mostly floating in it again.

Tonight My Mom came and I got my pressies. My first fly sheet. It is smashing, the bomb. It is a print for summer. Plus these really mod summer bell boots for when I am out "commando"!!!

Uber relieved that I was spared the humans singing the Birthday song this year but I do like my B.Day hat.

Rumour has it more festivities to come.....

Love to all


Monday, April 20, 2009


I've been laying low over getting my teeths into the Massage Lady, who is ok according to My Human.

Now I am not allowed to get on my blog and tell everyone that my birthday is soon so I can lobby for stuff for me!!!!!! Wheeeeeee!!!

So I won't. Hehehehehe.

I will tell you that it is Little Miss Sweetie Pie's B. Day soon and my old buddy the lard ass LandShark - no cake for her! - she has one coming up too!!! Plus Brad Pitt just had one.

My Mom is looking a little stressey poo this morning since the effing winged monkeys are here yet again and I think she is expecting another event from the Mother Nature dame.

Off to slog in it and eat my greens.

Love to all


Sunday, April 12, 2009


I did a bad thing.................

I bit the Massage Lady. Hard...... I made her yell. Everyone is mad at me. She even gave me my massage after I did that.. I felt really bad about biting her....... I knew after I was very wrong.

Nobody will hang out with me in the field....... I think My BFF feels sorry for me because there are so many horses and humans mad at me and she came over to say hi.

My Mom is super mad at me since the Massage Lady had given me a B. Day pressie and a card and everything. She did come to see me in the paddock earlier when I was all by myself and talked to me. She said I should go and eat the green yummies and that she would call the Massage Lady to see if she was ok.

Me bad., ashamed.


Friday, April 10, 2009


Happy Easter everybody and Happy Birthday Auntie Bren!!!!!

Sooooooo much going on I can hardly keep up again. This Mother Nature person is not a nice lady. In fact I would suggest that she is not a lady at all but I fear we will feel her wrath yet again. OMG!!!!!

After making the skies leak for an entire day plus some, she then made white stuff come for days and days. Then yesterday she made the warm stuff come and you will never guess what happened again.......?????

Duh!!! More leaking rooms for us kids. What EVER did we do to this woman????? Anyhoo, I fear My Human may be teetering. I didn't even snarl at her this morning. She was muttering stuff. I think it will be ok since things seemed to be normal later. Plus I hear Auntie Kim is visiting for Easter so I am sure they will get on the wine.

Which reminds me..... Yesterday when me and My BFF were going outside, My BFF was headed for the pile of hay I wanted so I chased her off it and she ran right into My Mom and stomped on her foot. I got in trouble for this. How is this fair I would like to know??????

What evvvvverrrrrrr.!!!!!

I was chatting up JJ over the fence again. He has the best stories!!!! Such a great guy!!! He is in a gang you know. The Baker Sheet Gang. They all wear plaid dresses. All the girls want to be one of their Molls. Seems the other day when the humans were putting everyone outside, the kid that lives across the hall from me decided to leave the property. JJ said that he couldn't believe his eyes watching this. The New Day Guy was putting Elvis in the paddock and this kid just left. Walked out the gate and down the driveway. The New Day Guy couldn't do a thing about it.

Then he said My Mom came walking down the driveway after him. He said My Mom sped up really fast as he decided to head up the road. JJ was laughing because My Mom was telling him to freeze and he just kept going. Finally he stopped and My Mom got him and brought him back. He said later he did because he is just sick of the mud and I told him that this is all the fault of this Mother Nature person.

No human on my back for ages. Kinda missing it, but don't tell her for the love of the Great Horse Goddess. She will get this notion that I need work. I will be forced to do the dreaded dressage thing. This is My BFF's thing. I like to jump and hack about.

Must go now and make sure the green stuff is ok. Not sure if gets hurted if white stuff gets on it.

Love to all


Sunday, April 05, 2009



It sure seemed that way. We were out slogging in it two days past and it kept coming and coming all day and all night too for that matter. We heard it early in the day......

The machine that sucks water out of the stable... Oh NO. Who's room was it this time???? Turns out Little Miss Saddlebred's again. Plus Little Miss Sweetie Pie, The Royal Cousin and Brad Pitt all affected. Plus more kids I don't really know that well.

A bunch of humans were using the machine on Friday night even when us kids were in so you know it was bad. It came into the barn and the arena too. Holy"'F"!!!!!

By yesterday AM things were under control again with the Wenchette of Miss Fraulein heading up the crew getting out all the muck and all the kids getting dry rooms again.

My Mom was making comments about Mother Nature speaking of her in Bovine terms. I am thinking it is worse to piss off this Mother Nature being than to piss off My Human but last night I couldn't help myself and tried liven things up by showing her my snarl and chomp but I got an arm in my face for the effort. Me, MM, My BFF, My Human and MM's Mom and Dad were all chatting when I thought I would sneak one in.

Seems My Human was at one of those Chris Irwin clinics again getting a refresher course in horse speak. WTF, foiled again. Heard her talking about bringing in the woman from the clinic at our place. Shudder!!!!!!!

Now today is nice and sunny but rumour has it that the Old Man Winter dude has not gone on his vacation and is planning tossing some white stuff at us still. My BFF got the weather report up on our big screen and has said so. Says it is ok to dump the snorkel gear right now.

Waiting to see what this Mother Nature being tosses at us next. We are strong, we are invincible we are mares... Apologies to Helen Reddy!!!!!.......

Love to all


Thursday, April 02, 2009

SPRING JABERWACKIES...............!!!

And so it begins the annual neck jabbing event of spring.

The lovely Dr. M rolls in again before turn out this morning and I see the cart a rollin' down the aisle.

Ho hum..........
Here we go.
Poke, poke .........
Out I go!!!!

Ah poetry!!!!!!!!

I was entertained this morning when My Human is putting on my bell boots and put one on my front leg and the other on my back leg. WTF??????? I know I am a trend setter but I am not a fashion victim.

Starting to get the green yummies coming up. Hopefully Old Man Winter has gone on his vacation but you ever know in Canada eh!!!!! He may have forgotten his lunch like the LandShark does sometimes when she forgets her way out of the barn. Getting a little senile over there I hear. Lordy!!!

Off to eat me greens.

Love to all