Sunday, August 30, 2009


My Human says that little things matter so she was happy happy to have the poop pile taken away this week.

Don't know WTF she is talking about since the poop pile was no little thing but she is busy showing off the empty hole for everyone to admire.

Seriously........ Get help for her..........

Love to all


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The Mother Nature dame was busy last week past and she went and blew up the local show yard near our place....

I got me a job with NORAD since I have that bloody white fly shield on again so they asked me to monitor their radar for them. So I knew... Plus My BFF had the big screen on again and they said that bad weather was coming. So we used our mental powers and the humans ran us all in before it got too bad at our place.

This was more than winged monkeys....... The sky looked like a bruise and the clouds were moving funny. My Mom was looking at the sky and was looking rather er..... confused. Then the humans all got the word. The Mother Nature dame wrecked the show yard with a Toronado????

Holy Feezzaaak.......

The good news is that no humans or horses were hurted or worse at this place anyway. Big mess though....

I heard that stuff has blown everywhere so we are checking our paddock to see if we have any swag in in!!!!

Love to All


Friday, August 14, 2009


Well hardly,

So much going on around the little farm I hardly know where to start these days.

My little gang is good, the usual mud slinging but I must confess coming in covered in mud has worn thin since I am not getting any reaction from the human, spoils the fun. She did have me out a couple of times recently and we were on a hack where the flies were like stealth bombers and both of us were agreeable to get back to the farm. Not impressed about having to run around the out door but did show off some of my superior moves to Miss Monroe's human.

I think My Mom was thinking she was running a little hospital since a number of kids had issues with stuff but everyone is off room rest right now.

The Mother Nature dame was VERY evil the other night turning off the lights again and I was worried since My Mom was trying to get water for the kids who only have the auto waterers and was out by the trough with the light sticks being tossed everywhere. I used my mental powers to bring her back to the barn and told her to go back to bed. Seriously. Can't have her getting hurted so my bills don't get paid. WTF!!!!

Bevis, Butthead and the Big White Whale (aka JJ, Elvis and Stinky) have been playing pick up sticks with the fence rails between their paddocks. JJ says they want to keep the maintenance guy working. You know we all do what we can to help the economy and keep everyone working. Just contributing you know.

Well, off to do what I do
