Friday, October 30, 2009


Triple WTF!!!!!

I knew something was up when My Mom was dishing out the morning fare. Where is the Day Guy I wonder. We finished up the grub and were still inside. Waiting.....

Soon he arrives and I see him and My Mom running around outside and I am a wondering, could it be, could it just be.........???????????


That is what they were doing putting out the winter grub!!! Cowabunga!!!!!! Not sure what happened to them but I be digressing here...

Anyhoo....... Out we go and I am admiring the bale and I have everything in order, kids in the proper places, everything is tickity-boo when who comes out...........????

DHMBIAB!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she did it again. Planted her body and rubbed herself ALL over the effing bale. Front end, back end, her face EVERYTHING!!!!! What did My Human do.......????

She stood there laughing her ass off!!!! Are you kidding me....??

I was so utterly grossed out that I just had to leave. Decided to slop down to the bog and eat the what is left of the green nummies. All by myself.... Everyone else was just a hoovering up the bale with all those cooties on it. Yuck, yuck, triple effing yuck and more yuck on top of all that.

Not sure what I am going to do next, but I think I have to get this fixed. Someone complain to My Human about it as if that would help, she may just laugh some more. I know, I can start a rumour...... Not sure what yet. Must think of a plan......

La, la, la, la, la, la........!!!!

Off to plot



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