Saturday, December 26, 2009

BOXING DAY GREETINGS..........!!!!!!


I was not able to get me hooves on the 'puter yesterday to wish everyone a Merry Merry so since this is Canada and we also celebrate this day HAPPY BOXING DAY to everyone. Not sure what it is all about since I don't seen no humans with boxing gloves on but this is a boarding stable.... Hee hee!!!!!!


OMG I got the best thing for Christmas. Diamonds!!!! Yup!!!! On a new halter. I even modeled it for My BFF's human. Stylin..... Can't wait for the rest of the girls to see it but I said to My Mom this morning that I wanted to save it for later to show my girls since the Mother Nature Dame is leaking all over us and I want to keep it nice. Plus I gots pink sparkle bell booties.

I was very worried you see..... nothing came out when all the humans descended on the barn to help My Mom on Christmas morning.

Soon, everything was done and we came in early so all the humans could eat their turkey. I am SO in favour with this tradition since you all know how I feel about meeting these creatures when I am hauling My Human around the fields legal or otherwise.........

Once we were in I got my pressies and lots of treats so order had been restored to my world.

Joy to my world........

Love to all


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