Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Well the weather outside is frightful....
But the hay is so delightful......
But as long as I am loved so......
Let it snow, let it snow.....

Apologies to the human who wrote the song... I think my version is catchy, n'est pas????

Well, WTF happened??? Winged monkeys howling outside, My Human showing up looking like a Yeti, not going out to our paddock but rather put in the indoor with MY BFF while our rooms were being done.

The Old Man Winter Dude came riding in last night and this morning. I guess we can't complain too much since this is Canada after all and we was eatin' up green yummies until recently.

At least I am able to get me hooves on the 'puter finally.

Bunch of new stuff. Got a new gal in our little herd. She is a Cheval Canadien. I have decided that she will help me with one of my old missions to only communicate en Francais!!! Must let her near the bale so she can keep up her strength.

A new boy too!!! Calling him Mr. Walmart since he is greeting all the kids as they are put out saying "Welcome to the paddock and have a nice day!!!!" Personally I would bite him since I feel the same about this store as My Human. Not that there is anything wrong with it but I understand there was a road trip that involved her being dragged into every Walmart from Toronto to Baltimore and I think she said something rude to a poor human greeter when she was at the 6th one. No idea where she gets this from!!!!

It is the Christmas month!!! Makes me very excited!!! My Mom hung my stocking which says I have been very good. This is true. Fill it up will ya. I didn't even get a lecture this year about getting on my blog and trolling for treats. Not doing that even now...

Really, I am not.....


Love to all


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