Sunday, February 28, 2010


WTF...... WT SERIOUS F.............................. But then I think better about blogging about it since all it does is give me an effing headache and all....

The February month is ending finally and I think I spooked the Horse Goddess a few opinions ago saying nothing was happenin.........

I know for sure My Human is done with it even though she seems to have caught olympicitis and has been watching things like 2 man luge, speed skating and other sports that involve humans hurling themselves down mountains, ice sheets and flying through the air with sticks on their feet??????

As long as it doesn't involve ME actually participating in no winter events except hacking with no cart pulling involved, I'm as liberal as the next filly.

Yet, during this February month there were things that happened that were with some humour. The Show God sent me a haymail saying that My Human was escorting him back to his room the other day and got herself cast in a snowbank!!!! No pictures though.....!!!!!!

Speaking of haymails, I got one from my old buddy Bob who used to be at the riding school a bazillion years ago with me and got adopted by one of My Mom's friends. Sadly she has a a very hurted back and was just worried sick about what to do. There were haymails between her and Auntie Bren and as luck with have it, Auntie Bren in Newfoundland is taking him to hang out with the Island Girls on The Rock.

Bob is just stoked thinking about meetin' all the girls and everyone is happy, happy. Glad that My Mom has nice friends and I must remember to suck up to them the next time they are around just in case!!!!

Just glad the February month is ending and things will not be so crazy at the little farm for the March month.

Here's hopin'

Love to all


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