Monday, September 20, 2010

BIG NEWS............!!!

The mobile room unit was busy yesterday with comin's and goin's.

First of all My BFF headed off to her show and came back as the champ of the whole year!!!! All of us in our little herd are very proud as well as all the humans. Both My BFF and the Red Headed Wenchette We All Love bested everyone and has ribbon on her door as big as her tail!!!

Well My BFF's tail!!! Picture of this to follow as soon as someone sends to My Human.....

OMG I nearly peed myself on this one....... mind you I have been doing that a lot lately..... digressing here..........

Shake of my fabulous head........

A different mobile room unit came in late yesterday as well. It released a new kid for the farm. It is a poneeeeeeee. The Humans are all cooing and ahing but it is scaring the business out of some of the big kids. I'm thinking have you all never seen a poneeeeeeee????? JJ was blowing and puffing and you should have seen Stinky this morning when she went outside. Telling everyone that the humans are shrinking us all.........

Snort...... A duh!!!!!!

Anyhoo on the peeing issue...... My Human has been rather perplexed as of late with my sudden overwhelming attraction to the new gal in the field. After much discussion the herd has decided that she is just the bee's knees!!!! I love her.......... we all do. I thought I would show her how welcome she is and took matters into my own hooves.

My Mom took me for a hand munch and I dragged her back over to the barn and called from outside to TNG. Need a really special blog name for her......... I called, then ran to our paddock, ran around in it for a bit...... Then came back in and marched My Mom down the other aisle. Poked me head into LMSP's stall, nope you're not the one and then I found her........... Oh New Gal, I love you and then I peed everywhere to show her. You are loved and welcomed. Spent the better part of last week calling over to her everyday from my room on the other side of the barn........... My Mom asked me finally if I was trying out an alternative life style at this point in my life.........


Love to all


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