Monday, October 11, 2010


I loves being Canadian. We is different and this is a good thing.

Thanksgiving Pumpkin Smash

Stuff going on at the little farm. More kids in the gang and everyone is gettin' adjusted.


I'm being made to wait at the gate when it is time to go to our rooms. My Mom sees this so I haul her ass around and she makes sure I gets the tall grasses. She says I'm number one with her and she owns the place so that still makes me a big cheese!!!!!!!

Anyway don't really care since today I had a bunch of fun out in the forbidden fields with the Big Guy and The White Stallion.

We are like the Mod Squad.........

Yup, just got out there when I heard a funny noise. I was looking and says to the boys...... Yo ho dumb dumbs....... You hearing this????????? Of course the chick has to do everything........... BOYS, BOYS....... DUMB ASS GELDINGS LOOK TO THE EFFIN' RIGHT AND THE WOODS....

Then we all saw......... This ginormous monster of a machine sucking things in and spitting things out. Are you EFFING kidding me?? W. T EFFIN' F............ I hears My Mom up there saying "you are fine", "you are fine" and I'm thinking I'm going to be finer when I am the EFFING EFF outta here........ Then I see The Big Guy halfpassing across the field, the White Stallion doing his piaffing thing and I'm thinking can I not get away from the bloody dressage..... which distracted me and then the horse eating ginormous monster of a machine stopped.

I've gots the power...........

Made My Mom really happy on that one!!!!!

So it was decided that we would all get over it and off we went. The Mother Nature Dame has been smiling on our part of the world as of late making this a beautiful day to hack about. Jumped over a little log in the woods when My Mom was not expecting it but I must say it felt better than our little jump school over the cavelletti the other day. Not that I'm saying but her timing is a little off...... Needs some coaching......... Made her laugh though.

Everyone came back to the little farm in good moods.

Makes me thinks that since it is our Thanksgiving I should say that I am thankful that I don't have to worry about food and stuff like some other kids that I hear about. Plus I know My Mom is thankful for me..........

Who wouldn't be.......???????

Love to all


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