Monday, November 08, 2010


It has been a hard slog as of late.


My hind end being not right and then there was that clusterf*ck in the field...... which brought My Mom out of her rooms and into the paddock in her PJ's. Hates that but I was glad to see her and told her I was OK. Ran me around on the bloody longe that afternoon and to make sure I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm fine I told her and you are just making me dizzy...

No hauling her around either until yesterday since she was hurted as well. We are both fine and went for a little hack yesterday. Seems we are both a little stiff and sore but I hears I'm the one getting the Bowen Lady. So glad that this little perk is coming back to me......

Luuuuuuves her!!!!

Just checking my hay-mail and there are picture thingys of the Halloween dress up but I will post later.

The winter grub has arrived in the paddock and thank the Horse Goddess we got 2 bales in ours!!! Of course DHMBIAB did her usual rubbing of her cooties on the bales!!!! Should have seen the look on the faces of the new ones. Two of them are so grossed out they aren't even touching it yet. Saves the rest of us from running them off. As long as I get mine..........!!!!!

Off to stuff me gorgeous face.......

Love to all


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