Sunday, September 18, 2011


Is here......

I hears the humans talking about some of us kids already growing coat.

Plus there is winter grub in the field across the road for the smelly bovine creatures who have been roaming over there. We take turns makin' sure they know we are superior beings and they stay on their side of the street..

Must say though the Mother Nature Dame has been in a pretty good mood. Turn off the ovens the other day and took away the hoards of flying nasties that have been bothering everyone on the little farm.

Headed out to the forbidden fields yesterday with the Big Guy. We had a little spooky dooky in total harmony to keep our humans on their toes. Look Mom, dressage!!!!!!

Everything starting to look very colourful and nice but I was keepin' a watchful eye on the turkey possibilities.

Did a little trot and made My Mom happy, happy since I am going so well.

I have the day to hang with my gals since I know My Mom is off to see some of the lodgers at a horse show.

Plan on spending the day on the green nummies.

Off to eat

Love to all


1 comment:

Pure Gamer said...

oh how cute! I love this page... it makes me laugh.