Wednesday, October 26, 2011

OH DEAR..................


Gave My Mom a serious frighty recently. I was sulking in my room due to the lack of homage being paid to moi lately due to the shenanigans at the little farm when My Mom came in to give me a cuddle and I figured I would show her........

Went a little far though................ Scared the skit out of meself when I hit my room door with me butt and crashed through into the aisle and stopped myself on Theodorable's door :(

Nearly effin' fell down doin' this and I was watching My Mom and she looked like she was going to toss her cookies. Sorry..... really, really.......!!!!

Ended up with her asking me if it was my day to be the idiot while she was checkin' out my figure and I got put on the bloody longe line but figured it best to cooperate given the circumstances. Sigh........

Anyhoo....... The door was all smashed up and My Mom's eyes were buggin' out of her head looking at it and the Maintenance Dude had to take it away and everything....

As My Mom says..... "Clusterf*ck"

Went to the forbidden fields with The Big Guy on the weekend since it was a lovely day. No bugs, trails were good even though the skies have been leaking like crazy lately. Very nice and I hopes we have some more nice days before the Ole Man Winter Dude takes over. My Mom ran me around the indoor for a bit to see how I was after the recent incident..... Little sore Mom, little sore.

Lo and behold yesterday the fabulous Dr. Betty is here and I made sure she got all my sore bits. Yup, that's the spot Dr. B. Much better now and plus I gots my pedicure in the morning so yesterday was spa day for me.

I am worthy

Love to all


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