Sunday, July 08, 2012

Back on line

Finally got back here.   Still the shit show trying to make this work so I'm going to have The Human get me a new blog page since this one is like the pasture in the spring time.... 

Really, I would prefer to have face-book but The Human says no way.

The Keeper of the Rumours has joined our gang.   This means we now have two kids that can't see in the paddock with us.  

Last weekend everyone was in raging heat and there was so much girl love going on I just told them all to go join the parade that was happening in the city. 

Oh yeah.   I have a sore leg and I'm getting wrapped every night with the sweats.  It is getting better but I'm missing all the best hacking time in the summer.

Plus it has been so effing hot here.    Like Hades.   My Mom says stuff about fresh hell but there ain't been nothin' freash about anything or anyone for that matter.

Goin' to work on My Human to get the face page and when I do I will post here so my followers will know where to find me.

Off to lobby my super duper terrific bestest human in the world

Love to all


Saturday, May 05, 2012


I'm less than entertained about the shit show that is happenin' with my blog. 

Takes forever to get on it to write anything on the thing and by then I'm annoyed and feel like sinking me teeths into someone.  

I used my super horsie sense to circumvent all the dumb stupid messages about something to do with a browser.   Of course The Human is no help since she is so technology challenged.   

So here I am.   Hopefully this will work since everything is whacked out.

Spring is here and I'm sporting some serious dapples on my coat.   Dapple Bay....!!!!  

Life has been pretty easy with the Spring time months are here.   Green nummies, outside commando and on summer hours which means we are outside longer.

The Red Headed Vet Wench showed up the other day for the annual poking of the neck event.   Usual Springtime stuff.

Goin' to try and publish this now.

Love to all


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Birthday Girl

Turned 21 the other day and I am now legal to drink south of the 49th!!!

It was a low key affair with a bunch of the lodgers and My Human singing the birthday ditty.

Got a bunch of pink swag so life is good.

Off to munch on the green nummies

Love to all


Wednesday, March 14, 2012



I'm outside commando................................!!!!!!!!!!

It is still the March month and it is Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus the green nummies are showin' up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Things just can't be better!!!!!

Love to all


Sunday, February 26, 2012


I am the benefactor of some recent impulse shoppin' by My Human!!!!!

Gots me a spankin' new cooler which replaces my pink one with cave horse drawings on it.


This one is a lavender colour with Poneeees on it!!!!

Plus I hears rumours of my spring bell booties arriving!!!!

I am worthy!!!!

Love to all


Thursday, February 16, 2012


Well apparently yesterday was the birthday of My BFF and some of the humans including mine thought I was being pissy by omitting this event in my blog of yesterday.

Not true, since I hadn't a clue.

They sang The Birthday Song for her and then of course My Mom chimed in with the ditty about living a hundred years and drinking 1,000,0000 beers.............................

So freakin' embarrassed!!!!

So Happy Birthday to the redhead..... Let me know what swag you get in case I don't have it!!!!

Love to all


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


No bitchin' about this month this year :)!!!!!!!!

OMG it has just been spectacular..... The Groundhog Rodent says early spring and The Mother Nature Dame must have punched out Ole Man Winter!!!

Hardly any white stuff or cold stuff. We have even seen green nummies in our field and it is only the February month and this is CANADA!!!!!!! Better shut up though since things have been known to change in a hurry this time of year and I don't want to jinx anything!!!!!

Plus My Mom has been busy at the little farm so there has not been a lot of lumbering around on my back. Just a couple of hacks in the legal fields, no biggie!!!! Spendin' my days eatin' up the winter grub and hangin' out.

Oh, and I hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day yesterday......

Love to all


Saturday, January 28, 2012

GROUNDING 2012............

My Mom came stompin' in the barn yesterday with this little ditty.......

The weather outside is frightful
so your day won't be so delightful.
Until we get some snow
turn out for you is not a go......


Heard the humans talking about skies leakin' then freezin' and the little farm being a sheet of ice. Best thing for us kids to be in our rooms loungin'. Can't complain too much since this happens hardly ever. Even the Furry Mouser who was allowed to go out said "pass".

Did get to do one of my favorite things. Well actually my only favorite thing that involves the indoor area.

Carrot tag.........!!!!!

Just the best thing. I suggest you teach your humans this game since it avoids the mindless circles on the longe line. Plus it will help your human get in better shape after the Christmas month since it involves them running around the arena and you get to chase them. This is recommended only for those of you who actually understand the meal ticket concept since you must be sure to NOT run 'em over....... You still want your bills paid and your swag comin'.

Off to the paddock today.....

Love to all


Tuesday, January 10, 2012



Rememberin' when I was just a filly........


The new year started out with me being dragged to the bloody indoor for...... wait for it........


Like I was the one who ate everything in bloody sight??????????????

My cranky thong was up my cheeks when I saw the bloody mounting block so I showed the kiddies in the ring what a veteran does when they would rather be eatin!!!!!

Squeal and run back and squeal some more.

I think My Human was secretly impressed with this antic but it didn't prevent her from lumbering up on my back and riding like a sack of potatoes. She just told them to stay off my ass.

The torture never ends..........

Still no sign of the Ole Man Winter Dude which has inspired the humans to avoid the usual hibernation at this time.


Love to all