Friday, December 28, 2007


Happy New Year to everyone!!!!

Short little note today since I am off to the round bale to git mine!!!!

Love HRH

Happy New Year

Monday, December 24, 2007


I wish all my friends and my human's friends a very merry Christmas. I hope that everyone has a safe and happy holiday.

I am a very lucky girl to have a nice room at night and lots of space to roam with my girlies during the day.

I gave me Mom a great ride the other day since I have heard the rumour that our Coach is coming soon and we are going to show in the spring. I am so excited. So I showed my superior moves to the White Stallion in the arena. I so rock!!!!

To my BFF, The LandShark, Diva, The new Girl, Speedy G, Devil Pony, Twizzle, Brad Pitt, The Czar, Mr. Cool, The White Stallion, Stinky & Juan, and my friends the Island Girls, thanks for being my friend and have a great holiday. I hope Santa brings you lots of stuff. I did ask him to when the girlies and I had our road trip last week. I said you all were just the best.

Merry Christmas

Love HRH Christmas Tree

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

TIS THE SEASON..............

Well I am just so stoked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laugh

We had our barn Christmas party on the weekend and you should see what my human got and even better it is stuff for ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The other humans gave her stuff for ME!!!!!!!!! How smart are they???? Just the best, since you all know EVERYTHING is about ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a really cool bling saddle pad and GUESS WHAT??????? It has my name on it. Mine, all mine, mine, mine mine!!!!! And it is purple, my favorite colour. Plus it has pink on it which is my human's favorite colour. Just the best.

I also got a new flash rock and roll halter with silver on it. My favorite. Mom says it is my dress halter for when we have parties and guests at the farm. I can't wait to wear it. It so rocks.

I am as usual just the belle of the barnyard. Hot, hot, hot I am!!!!

Keep the gifts coming!!!!!

I like this Christmas thing. More stuff for ME!!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Wow, a big day!!!!

I heard the humans talking about what they are getting us all for Christmas and I heard that I'm getting hanging balls. That can only mean ONE thing. I'm finally going to get to put out!!!!!

So Twizzle, my BFF and the LandShark were talking over the hay bale and we thought it would be smart for us to go and get pressies for our humans. Off we went to the big city. It was so much fun. I heard that my Mom has Calvin near to her heart. Nothing comes between her and Calvin, whoever the hell he is.

So we gallop off and the four of us arrive in the big city just a styling. They were very surprised that four such beautiful specimens are running around the perfume and makeup department in this really big house in the city. Good thing for us the lady there spoke horse and I got my Mom her present and I know she will just smell great. It even has stuff for her hair so I won't be grossed out if I bite errrrr smell it!!!!!

Twizzle, My BFF and the LandShark got stuff too but they won't let me tell in case their humans read my blog, which, of course I know they all do. The LandShark was muttering about having to sneak back the credit card.

We went every where, checked out the Museum, the Art Gallery, and I checked out my old pals the police horses at the stable I was at ages ago. It was hard to drag the girls away from these guys, but I kept them in line. I didn't bring Diva for obvious reasons. She would NEVER have kept her dress on.

We visited Santa and told him what I want, what I really, really want for Christmas. He asked me if I have been a good girl and I thought WTF are you kidding me??????? Do you know who I am??????

So we are thinking we better haul our pretty butts back to the farm before the day Wench finds us missing and sends out an APB. Or worse calls my Mom or any of our Moms.

So back we are without anyone being the wiser, but Speedy G and the Devil Pony are threatening to tell on us. Gave those two mare glare and told them they better keep their big fat traps shut or I would make sure there were no carrots in their stocking at Christmas. I can because I am now friends with Santa!!!

Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle all the way. All the way baby!!!!

Can't wait


Friday, December 07, 2007


OMG - It has been a terrible week for me. Not getting anything at all. Not a happy girl.

I have hardly seem my human all week and when I do I give her the bum. No way she is ignoring me and getting away with it. Well......... not sure maybe I should think this one over since she is the provider of all.

I heard the humans talking and it seems she has had to have some work done on her teeth. I get work done on my teeth by the yummy Doctor V.A and I don't disappear for a week. Mind you I get to go on a nice vacation when this happens. I have been everywhere after I get the needle in my neck. Bora Bora, Badminton, Churchhill Downs..........!!! I am such a star!!!!! My human on the other hand looks like a chipmunk!!!! A not very attractive one at that. Looks like she is storing roughage cubes in her cheek!!! I think I better shut up in case she read this. HEE HEE. Love ya Mom, you rock!!!!

Plus, the white stuff just keeps coming and coming and coming. WTF is up with this. I don't live on Baffin Island. It is covering everthing, the hay, the paddock, the fences everything. I am so glad I have my winter styling shoes so I can get around safely.

My love life has also gone for a poop. I noticed last night that Mr. Cool seems be in love with Diva. You should have seen the two of the going at it. I am thinking like go get a room you two. Yeesh. I am pissed at her let me tell you. First the lovely Juan, then Brad Pitt and now she is honing in on Mr. Cool. Some guys just don't respect the nice girls and only go for the fast and easy ones. I want to put out but my Mom says no way, so I don't get any. Another reason to give her the bum.

Anyway, must be off. The haybale is calling me and I want to get there before the LandShark eats it all. At least she has been keeping her dress on lately.