Tuesday, December 18, 2007

TIS THE SEASON..............

Well I am just so stoked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laugh

We had our barn Christmas party on the weekend and you should see what my human got and even better it is stuff for ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The other humans gave her stuff for ME!!!!!!!!! How smart are they???? Just the best, since you all know EVERYTHING is about ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a really cool bling saddle pad and GUESS WHAT??????? It has my name on it. Mine, all mine, mine, mine mine!!!!! And it is purple, my favorite colour. Plus it has pink on it which is my human's favorite colour. Just the best.

I also got a new flash rock and roll halter with silver on it. My favorite. Mom says it is my dress halter for when we have parties and guests at the farm. I can't wait to wear it. It so rocks.

I am as usual just the belle of the barnyard. Hot, hot, hot I am!!!!

Keep the gifts coming!!!!!

I like this Christmas thing. More stuff for ME!!!!

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