Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I can't tell you how horrified I am. Seems my human FORGOT to get the carrot money out for the carrot lady and now I have none. Not only do I not have any, neither does my BFF or the White Stallion. Plus another kid in the other barn that I don't know.

I was not very happy about this development to say the very least. WTF!!!! A whole week without carrots, we will not be ourselves. Thinking up ways to show my displeasure let me tell you. Did I ever give her the bum last night when I found this out. I am looking at her saying we do not have enough for all of us and plus they are carrotcicles because it is still so freaking cold here. Get this problem solved.

So thankfully Twizzle's Mom had ordered some bags for her coach and my human got smart and started grovelling big time to borrow these bags and get more for her coach later. I love Twizzle's Mom, she rocks!!!!

So anyway, now my Mom and my BFF's Mom will go out on the weekend and get more. Plus I heard a rumour that these two have got something special for me and my BFF coming. I don't know what it is but it had better be good since I am just beside myself over the carrot fiasco. Of course I can be bought. The human knows this.

She knows!!!!


Kicking Dirt


Islandgirls said...

hi there....I am stealing my humans computer for a rare minute, she has been doing this thing called 'overtime' almost every night and Saturdays and she says its to pay for the gray beast and I but mainly me because she says I've gotten to be like you...HIGH MAITANENCE she says....well I always did want to emmulate you..
The human pulled a face again other day when I decided to let the farrier pedicure my front toes but put him in his place when he tried to do my backs...NO...I mean it,,,put him in his place right against the wall up over a bag of dust...he kinda looked like that bird gonzo on the muppets...
anyway, I have a bad feeling in m legs and have been trying to tell the human for a year now and she says the vet is going to take pictures of my pretty toes and legs and thats why she needs to work so much.
Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh no, we were just given the most horrible news….our new human has been hurt….we have been waiting and waiting for days for her to come spoil us and she didn't show. Mum broke it to us this morning that some ill mannered equine misbehaved and she fell off and has broken two of her wrists and her pretty face is all cut, we are so upset especially the gray beast, she has been leaking all morning, I even had to share my apples with her, that made her stop leaking for all of a minute. Mum also said that your Mum broke one wrist one time and she healed so I think the new human will be fine too but we miss her. I suggested that the vet take pictures of her wrists too when he does mine but she already had pictures taken and has to see some more vets herself, I hope my vet doesn't keep coming to see me that way.
Well it’s a sorrowful day here, but as my human reminded us, it could have been worse and we're sure the new human will return to see us soon and have someone with her to carry the treats.
PS glad to hear you got the orange nummies without interruption, we get ours for free from the nummie man down at the supermarket every Friday, he brought apples last week so the humans gave him beer, thats another one of those things that makes mum turn funny colors on Saturdays,

As The Manure Turns said...

Good Lordy, things have just been happening at your place. So sorry to hear about your alternative human breaking both her wrists. When my human did that everyone tried to blame me for it but in truth she wiped out in the subway. She only broke one of them though. I thought I would have all this time off but noooooooo she rode me anyway. I had strict instructions not to buck, bolt or act like an ass and since she pays for everything I took this verrrryyyy seriously. So she will get better and I hear from the hayfield express that this rogue horse that dumped her does feel bad. I also heard that it is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you can't breed smart you know.

Which brings me to the high maintenance thing. Do not let them think that you are getting anything other than your due. Us beautiful smart speciemens DESERVE all the stuff we get and the humans are very happy to work long and hard so we live in comfort and style.

Now if you are getting your pictures taken make sure they get your best side. You have to stand really still too otherwise they will not show how beautiful you are. Make sure your human has lots of treats in hand and help out as well by trying to nuzzle the horse Doctor while they are trying to get your feet in the right spot. Just so they know how much you care.

You will probably get some styling shoes at some point. I have mine and they very fashionable. Mine are called natural balance shoes and no one has them in the barn except me. The other ones just have regular boring shoes except for Stinky. He has expensive ones too.

So don't you fret. Your human will look after you and the Grey Beast well. She is like my human and we are lucky lucky lucky to have them. I love my Mom and she is the best human ever. Don't say nothing but I am buttering her up since I have heard that me and My BFF are getting something good this weekend but don't know what and I want to make sure this goes off without a hitch. Something very exciting I hear and My BFF and I are so excited!!! By the way I got a styling purple dress sheet last weekend. I also heard the plans for showing so I will be the best dressed gal at the horse trial.

Let me know how you make out with the horse Doc.
