Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I am waiting for the evidence before I have my little rant about the clinic I was made to play in on the weekend. More about that later................

I was scarfing back my dinner last night, paltry as it is, seems the human still thinks I am a little too voluptuous and some of it got stuck in my throat.

I am thinking where the eff is my human. Nowhere to be found. OMG I am can't swallow this lump.. I lay down, I get up, I curl my lips and I am panting away.

Finally my Mom comes into my room and I look at her and she looks at me and the action starts. I hear her say "I think she is collicking" - No, Not, Nyet, NADA, NFW I am not collicking I have a lump in my throat. My Mom pulls me out of my dress, sticks the thermometer up my rear end and I am looking at her saying "you have the wrong end" WTF!!!!

Then she gets the LandShark's Dad and he is checking me out and telling me human that I have no gut sounds and I see her going whiter, whiter and whiter...... She runs to the phone and calls the vet and drags me out of my room into the arena.

Now she wants me to walk around.... I am thinking great, I have this lump in my throat and you want me to effing exercise??????????????? What to do, what to do, WHAT TO DO????

I poop. A really big one. Now my Mom is looking a my poo and I am quite impressed with this and so is she and she is checking it all out....

And she looks at me and I am still breathing funny and curling my lip and my Mom is now thinking WTF..... So I let out a burp, then a cough and then I gag a bit.

Lightbulb goes off. OMG I hear my Mom say to the LandShark's Dad I thinking she is choking and not collicking after all. I see the colour come back to her face and and a whole bunch of humans are checking me out and I see my Mom looking like she is going to leak. I am thinking for effs sake don't leak.... Anyhoo she starts rubbing my throat and I am thinking FINALLY. She rubs, I curl my lips, she rubs some more, I do more lip curls.

She tells me the lovely Dr. M is coming and I am thinking, this might not be great.... I may get the tubes, or the big blue glove or both. I am trying hard to swallow, swallow, come on, swallow this down now I am a thinking.

My Mom says, the Vet should be here soon so we will go back to your room to wait for her. She puts me in my room, just as the lovely Dr. M is pulling up to the barn and I turn and I look at her.....

Hi Mom, Thanks, feeling much better, got the stuff down..... You can send the lovely Dr. M home now. She is looking at me and she knows I am ok now, and tells Dr. M that I seem to be ok now.

I get checked over anyway and the humans have a bit of a laugh saying this is the best way to resolve an emergency call.

I am thinking ok, this is good, no tube up me nose, no blue gloved arm up me butt and then I hear it.......... NO FOOD for a bit.


OMG, this was not in the program. I am better now... OMG I will STARVE...........

I am picking up all the stray hay pieces in my room and looking at all the other kids get their night hay and thinking where is mine.........

My Mom gives me a little bit... Thanks, love you Mom but I will waste away on this ration. She comes back a little later and gives me more. Thank heaven.

Anyway this morning all is well, but I am now on the mush diet. The Day Guy has been instructed to feed me mush. What Ever.........

You know I must compete with My BFF who apparently is having a wing at the clinic the lovely Dr. M works for named after her. I am thinking I want a wing named after me too....

My Mom thinks otherwise

Love to all


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