Friday, September 26, 2008


I just don't get away with anything........

My Mom actually pointed her finger at me the other night and gave me what have you on my biting... I was enjoying the sport but not enjoying her getting me back.

I had my growly face on and was snarling because she was brushing my chest. I am very sensitive there you know.

Anyhoo. She started...... "That is enough" said my Mom. "If you continue to try and bite me or anyone else you will NOT get ANY treats" "I don't like your face right now and I don't like it when you try to bite and this WILL stop RIGHT NOW"

She had the mare tone on. Plus she did this in front of other humans who wondered if I understood English. I just looked at them and thought - what do you think there Miss Boarder Pants??!! Of course I understand freaking English, it is you humans who need to learn to speak horse.

Anyhoo....... I figured I had better be good or the treat train would chug out of town. So I have been and the carrots have been plentiful since I have been keeping me teeth to meself!!! It is so hard sometimes to be me......!!!!

Then get this, The White Stallion told me that the clinic I am going to is the same clinic my Mom went to a couple of months ago and she came home speaking horse!!! WTF???? I am FREAKING DOOMED!!!!!! If this happens there will be no out smarting the humans. OMG!!!!

What to do.

Calling my buddy Sol in Newfoundland..... Dial in please. I need advise on this one.....

grumble, mutter, growl, spit. But no snarling Mom...... I want my bed time treat!!!

Someone help me!!!!!

Love to all


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