Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Just check them out!!! My BFF and her pet rider with all their winnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They won the overall championship for their class at the Blue Star shows and were reserve champion in their last one. They even did test #3 and came in 4th on their first try!!!

Such STARS!!! Everyone is so proud of her and this ribbon haul is from her last show. She got a first, a second a fourth and the really big ribbons are for the Championship.

Brings tears to me eyes I tell ya!!! She is just the best my BFF, my second in command!!!! Keeps the other girlies in line when I am being worked to death!! Ooops better be careful what I write here since I am not sure I am still not in doo-doo from the big bite incident!!! My Mom was showing people her bruise on her arm and I do feel very ashamed; really!!!

Anyway back to the DQ.......... Everyone is so excited and proud especially her Mom, my Mom and I am sure her Pet Rider's Mom!!!! Lots of ribbons on her door now for everyone to see.

She can only get better and better!!!!

Love to all


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