Tuesday, September 09, 2008

WHAT IN THE WORLD...........

I was thinking WTF was happening one morning a couple of weeks ago when my Mom came to my room before I went out and was hugging me and stuff. I was like "why are you not at the cash job where you are supposed to be and would you please stop. You are embarrassing me in front of my friends."

Then she was gone. And gone some more and STILL gone.......??????? Triple triple WTF.....????? I am thinking I have been deserted. My BFF's Mom and a bunch of other people were helping look after me but I am thinking "Where is the human for eff's sake?????" I am thinking I better be good just in case there is a change in my situation. Maybe this is why Mom was all over me before, maybe she is never coming back??? Nah I think, she is off gallivanting somewhere without me.. I am getting more and more pissed each day.

Suddenly I see her running down the hill in the paddock towards me. Harrumph I think she's back. I am not going to pay any attention to her!!! I didn't look at her, I didn't come running to her and I didn't even lift my head from my grass. That will teach her. She hugs me anyway and tells me how glad she was to see me. Yeah right I think.

Then I come to my room and she is there again and I give her the bum big time. She gets me out and gives me treats and I am thinking this is more like it. I get a good groom and lots of carrots and I am thinking well you better be nice to me. When she came to tuck me in I thought that she had given my BFF treats and not me and then I lost my mind and I bit her, hard on her arm. She smacked me and left again. Then My BFF told me that her her Mom had told her that my Mom had been at the human vet clinic in town stuck in there for days... OMG I thought this is why she was not here.

I felt so bad and I was so worried that she wouldn't come again since I had bit her. The shame. I didn't sleep at all in my room and I spun my hay all over and made a mess that even the wenchettes commented on.

Much to my relief, there she was the next morning to give us all our hay and put my booties on. I rested my head on her back when she did so she would know that I was sorry and I put my best please forgive me look on my face.

So she did forgive me and she has been home since Saturday past and I have seen her morning and night and I will try hard not to bite her again. She said last night I have used up my biting allowance for the next 5 years.

Anyway, lots of stuff going on at the farm.

I will blog more later since I have to give back the puter to my Mom.

Love all


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