Thursday, January 01, 2009




So much keeps goin' on all the time.

Christmas has come and gone and I did get some rockin' sparkle boots!!! GOLD!!!! Gold sparkle boots for my hoofies!!! Stylin', just stylin!!! But I must say I was TOTALLY P.Oed when we were dragged in early on Christmas Day????? I am thinking WTF you keep us out when we are drowning in snow and on a nice day we come in early??? My BFF was happy since her humans were eating Turkey (I hope it was the one that gave me a heart attack on the trail a few years past) at my human's room so she was very happy to see them all day long. I guess it is ok since I have given this much thought since I have so much time to think because I hardly ever get me hooves on the puter. I told the BFF that seeing them all the time wears off since you don't get away with nothin, but it is ok to let them have a nice time at Christmas.

Speaking of my BFF and nearly drowning the other day the sky starting leaking buckets and all the white stuff was leaking too and it all ended up in MY BFF's room and mine too. My BFF had been in for a visit with her Mom and Dad and told us this when she got back to the bale. Water everywhere she said and then she said it was in my room too. She kepts saying she needed the thing she saw on the the big screen we keep behind the poop pile. Of course we inquired WHAT THING???? She says she saw humans with a tube thing on and and duck feet on their hooves paddling around with the fishes. They sucked their air through the tuby thing. I am wondering WTF her humans have put in her mash???? Then I hear the rest of her message...... My room too. OMG!!!!

Anyway by the time I got back to my room it seemed ok and MY BFF was in another room since she wasn't beside me. A little while later my Mom comes into my room and SQUISH, SQUISH, SQUISH!!! Some rather vulgar language which I can't repeat being the lady I am. She figures out FINALLY that my room was wet too. Not just MY BFF's which she spent the afternoon bailing out the "boat" next door. So I while I am getting my room cleaned up I figure out MY BFF is in the room across the hall.

By the next day things are back to normal and then the Winged Monkeys came calling. You know they swish by in the night and make things bang around and if you are not careful they can come and eat us horsies. They become invisible during the day and have caused many a bad mane day. Or blow up our bottoms and cause the scoots and skaddles.

Anyhoo........ The WM's kept coming and they made the lights and everything go away. I am thinking why are the humans bringing us in early again and then my room is dark and I am thinking WTF now???? The humans are all running around making sure we have all our stuff but it is totally dark??

A little while later the Wenchette of the Royal Cousin comes in and they are using things that shine circles on the walls (give me the creeps to tell the truth; not sure what these things are) but they are using them to give us our dinner. Soon My Mom and the Other Head Wench are there and with the help of other humans got us all our water and hay and stuff and tucked us in. Hours pass and then my Mom comes in early the next morning and she still has the light tube and she is talking to the Royal Cousin's Grandma and I can tell she is not happy. WTF she says we still have no power and it has been almost 20 hours!!!! I am listening and I can tell she is pretty stressed by now and I think she is going to leak. The ladies give us our grub and after that the New Day Guy shows up as normal and still no light. Finally just as we are getting our breakfast the lights are back on. I see the humans are doing the happy happy dance and once again crisis has bee averted.

Back to the routine - a good thing.

Today the sun is shining, we have the round bale but I do wish DHMBIAB would stop sitting in it. My BFF has the same hood thing on as Miss Frauline and I am holding my breath so I don't wet myself laughing!!!!

Happy New Year and love to all


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