Friday, February 27, 2009


"A long time ago when the earth was green,
there were more kind of animals that you've ever seen.

There were cats and rats and elephants but as sure as you're born,
the loveliest of all was the unicorn....."

We will be going the way of the effing poor unicorn if the sky doesn't stop leaking. Just floating in it again today. At least we have a new bale.



Monday, February 23, 2009


I gave My Human a big 5:30 am wake up yesterday when she discovered that I have the fevers on my front leg too. Man is she potty mouthed sometimes.

I was not impressed with being taken out of my room at that time of day and I was wondering WTF WHY?? She slapped some of the new stuff on my leg and went to her rooms just a muttering about mud fever being the biggest pain in the you know where. Later, I was sneaking over to her rooms to use the 'puter but found her on it before me. I checked out what she was looking at and I couldn't believe what I saw through the window.

She thinks I could have mange or mites. Triple WTF. I have no mangy dog thing on me nor do I have effing bugs. She CAN'T be serious. I am thinking she always tells the other humans in our little stable to not freak out about what you read on the Internet and there she is doing the same thing. I am probably in line to have a visit from the lovely Dr. M soon since this what usually happens when things aren't right with me. At least I don't think I will get the tubes or worse on this visit.

Today she shows up all bleary eyed for our pre-breakfast hay fest when I see her go straight over to the other side of the barn. Usually she comes right to me so I can greet her with my usual morning cheerful snarl but today she bolted over there. It was about time she got over here. I kept trying to send her messages all night saying that Little Miss Sweetie Pie had busted out of her room and was visiting the Royal Cousin, poking Little Miss Saddlebred, pooping up the aisle and eating the hay all night long. Good thing she stayed on her side with her room because there would have been high hell to pay if she had eaten the hay on our side of the barn.

I let her know this morning out at the bale, while I thought her actions were amusing I do not appreciate having My Human's attention taken away from me. Mind you she does remind me of myself at her age. She is like Mini Me but she says she has better hair which gits in my craw.

Anyway, new bale this morning and I must make sure the gang stays in line. Plus surprise, surprise it is effing really cold again here today and the winged monkeys are out in full force. Saw Elvis getting the scoots with the New Day Guy

Winter, sminther, get lost!!!

Love to all


Saturday, February 21, 2009


I stole the 'puter from The Human's rooms today since I knew she was at a horse show watching one of the Wenchettes. Doing the bloody Dressage. She better not be getting no freaking ideas about me becoming a DQ. Must remember to stick my head up in the air unless I see the jumps out for me.

Anyway I digress.

I have been getting in big trouble with my trying to claim the bale as my own. Other humans have been complaining to My Mom that I am sinking my pearly whites into others in my little herd, right through the blankets......?????!!!! Of course I have denied all charges but I don't think My Human is buying though. Mutters on about my reputuation with my teeth and given I have demonstrated my agility on My Human's somewhat fragile body. What evvvveerrrrrr.

I am sure that everyone is shocked that it is still crappier than all crap outside. More white stuff coming down tonight. Making everybody cranky.

Going to go sulk in the corner of my room.

Love to all.... except the Ground Hog, Mother Freaking Nature and the Old Man Winter Dude


Saturday, February 14, 2009


Oh my!!!!

Seems like the Ground Hog, Mother Nature and Old Man Winter are in cahoots. They never stop tossing horrible, horrible weather at us all on the little farm.

Everyone was happy happy a few days back since we got some warm air for a couple of days. Got to wear my stylin' rolla dress and all. The mounds of white stuff was going away nice and slow and there was no slippy stuff.

All of a sudden the sky starting leaking really bad. It just came and came and came and then the next day too. That day it was more like leaking white stuff.

Then we heard............

OMG Little Miss Saddlebred's room was floating in it. I am thinking "Just great. If that side of the barn is floating then what about my room and My BFF's too?????" Of course I can't get near the 'puter so we are waiting to find out. Little Miss Sweetie Pie is worried because her room is next to LMSB and also Brad Pitt lives on the other side. Meanwhile we are nearly drowning in it outside. I look at MY BFF and she has her snorkel outfit on. Oh yeah, she is so smart getting that from the Shopping Channel!!!!

Then we hear strange noises coming from the barn. What the Hades is going on in there???? We can all hear since our paddock comes up near the barn and there is this roaring noise coming out of it and the humans don't look any more stressed than normal and I am thinking ........???????

Seems they have some human machine that sucks water out of things it doesn't belong in. My Mom was very excited about this but alas....

LMSB had to room across the hall overnight. My room was fine and so was My BFF but the humans were not impressed that the other side leaked after they fixed the first side. I heard them blaming Mother Nature.

Now, I have been meaning to introduce the gal across the hall. Bay like me and everyone says she is bootyfull..... Well her booty has nothin' on the LandShark's!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I just kill myself ; move over Joan Rivers!!!!!! Her Blog Name will be Marilyn Monroe and may be referred to as MM.

She has been here a couple of months now and the New Day Guy is one of her humans. She yelled a lot when she first came and me and My BFF kept looking at her and telling her to SHUT UP. Well she did so we think she is ok. She hangs out in our aisle so she gets gussied up in front of my room all the time so we have chatted a bit. Her Mother Human gives me treats at night so I think she is spot on!!!!!!!!

I must say though I was taken back a few days past when I was un-ceremoniously undressed out my rolla dress and then MM was modeling it!! I am thinking TRIPLE WTF is this????? Where is The Human???? Does she know that other humans are stripping me naked??????

Soon enough order is restored and I am dressed again and I think of course MM's human just wanted to see what a spectacular specimen I am. Must be nice to keep the treat train coming.

Now the cold stuff is back again. I heard the humans talking about this Old Man Winter guy. What kind of sadistic cad is he???? Are the bloody Ground Hogs his evil little rodent trolls?????


Off to ponder life's mysteries

Love to all


Sunday, February 08, 2009


Yesterday the air became warm and my little herd was no longer matchy matchy!!!! Stuff started leaking outside but I think our rooms are ok since mine was good and My BFF was beside me last night. The Human looked relatively sane this morning when she came to give us our morning hay.

And, I got that little jump school in my smashing new pink furry jumping boots. Stylin'!!! I jumped pretty good too I might add, mind you the Human was out of form. Such a surprise on that one!!!! I am taking it easy on her since she is out of shape!!!!

All in all things are pretty good. Soon the green grass will be here. I can go for long hacks in the forbidden fields and maybe do that horse trial this year.

Off to the bale and dreaming of cross country fences

Love to all


Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Whine, snort, sneer and spittle!!!!

I can't understand why the Human is getting so pissed at me defending my bale!!! I am a benevolent dictator and currently everyone else (well except DHMBIAB) understands that they eat when I tell them.

My freaking Human actually came into the field this morning and chased me off the bale since I was chasing my BFF off. Man did I give her mare glare but thought it best to move off since she had her mare tone on.

Mind you I got a new best thing the other day. Jumping boots with pink fuzz on the inside. This can only mean one thing!!!! We are going to do some jumping soon. Excellent. I was out the other day slogging with the White Stallion in the legal fields and when we came back I was forced into the indoor to run around and we did the dreaded dressage..... Maybe I am going to go into training and do a horse trial?????

Hum, I wonder??????

Love to all


Monday, February 02, 2009


The bloody rodent saw it's shadow and we aren't getting an early spring!!!


I heard my Mom tell the other Head Wench that you could stick a fork in her because she was done and I feel the same way too. Not sure she was talking about winter though?????

Off to eat what is left of the bale

Love to all