Sunday, April 12, 2009


I did a bad thing.................

I bit the Massage Lady. Hard...... I made her yell. Everyone is mad at me. She even gave me my massage after I did that.. I felt really bad about biting her....... I knew after I was very wrong.

Nobody will hang out with me in the field....... I think My BFF feels sorry for me because there are so many horses and humans mad at me and she came over to say hi.

My Mom is super mad at me since the Massage Lady had given me a B. Day pressie and a card and everything. She did come to see me in the paddock earlier when I was all by myself and talked to me. She said I should go and eat the green yummies and that she would call the Massage Lady to see if she was ok.

Me bad., ashamed.



Unknown said...

Hey HRH: Don’t feel bad. I love you and I am your barn neighbour. When the humans finally leave, we have some good philosophical chats. Listen, I feel stoopid quite a lot of the time, especially when things scare me. I would still be in the arena right now if your mom hadn’t offered me some hay the other night. (The moat, you know, was unexpected and I thought there were sharks or badgers in it.) Think nice thoughts and my human will give you a carrot today sometime. She likes you too!

As The Manure Turns said...

Thanks MM,

I just can't help myself when I have my cranky thong on too tight.

Happy that My Mom is speaking to me.

Your Mom is the bomb!!!! Just keept those carrots coming and make sure My Mom knows nothing!!!!!
