Sunday, April 26, 2009


OMG it is turning into B. Day Week!!!! Well a couple of days for me anyway.

We all got cake yesterday. Horsie cake!!! It was Little Miss Sweetie Pie's B. Day yesterday and the LandSharks today so LMSP's Human made cake for everyone!!! It was so yummy. LOOOVED this!!! My Mom even let me have seconds since it was a special occasion.

Plus I got remembered by My BFF and MM too and I thank them both for being my buddies. Loves you girlies!!!! I love everyone really. Really I do. Really.

Just a short note today since My Mom wants the 'puter.

Love to all



Unknown said...

Whoa, HRH. You’re 18???????? Can’t be! I thought you just turned 17. And you certainly don’t look a day over 12! Very well preserved, I think. Definitely start lying about your age now! I am jealous because I don’t have an official B.D. (although for some reason my human thinks I was born in March. Not. Who would want to be a Pisces?) Anyway, many happy returns as they say, although what that means is Greek to moi.

As The Manure Turns said...

Thanks MM

I have been told before that I don't seem my age.

It is so hard to be humble. I know you understand being a beauteous bay mare like me.

If you don't know your B. Day date then just make one up!!! Make it soon so we can have another party!!! Didn't you just die for that cake. I heard even the humans were eating it.
