Saturday, May 30, 2009


I was rubbing my eyes this morning when our Saturday Wenchette crew came in early. We were outside before our usual breakfast time. Somthings up?????

We were checking things out watching a bunch of our humans running around and there was stuff being put up and cars coming and lots of humans being busy everywhere. My BFF had her zoom spy glass (that addiction to the Shopping Channel comes in handy!!!!) and we were all watching and then we saw it!!!!! OMG the stuff has come to us!!!! The humans get our stuff brought to us now!!!!!! I got a stylin' new pink breakaway halter and My Mom got some new cowboy boots and stuff for her. All the humans had fun and I saw the Mom of Bob my buddy from long ago.

The best thing about all this is that we got to help other horses that live at the Cannington Horse Rescue that is on my blog. People gave cash and donated their swag to them. Makes me glad to help out other horsies who don't have as much as all of us.

After we all came in I noticed My Mom looking at Miss Monroe across the hall since she was doing lip curls and wasn't eating. Soon her Mom and Dad were at the barn and everyone was staring at her. MM's Mom took her to the indoor when all of a sudden the Mother Nature Dame struck again and the sky was leaking, tossing light flashes and the Winged Monkeys were howling up big time. Then the lights went out. Seriously, what have we done to this dame???

The humans were again feeding and watering us by those light sticks. They don't scare me anymore but some of my buddies think they come from Satan. I wasn't even able to finish my blog last night since the 'puter was running out of juice since there was no plug in happening.

Thankfully today, MM is fine, the lights have come back on this morning but we still have the bloody Winged Monkeys giving us all a bad mane day. Sloshing around in the field again.

I think this Mother Nature being is just plain mean, but don't tell her I said so.

Love to all


Monday, May 25, 2009


Last week past I learned about The Fates. Humans talk about this when they talk about being in the right or wrong place at a certain time.

The Fates were about on Tuesday past when My Mom and My BFF's Mom were hanging out together doing the ladies that lunch and shop thing. When they came back to our little farm me and My BFF were up at the gate and the humans thought My BFF was snoozing in the sun. Our Moms got us dressed for riding and we had a little ride and got to eat long green grasses afterwards. We were put back in our rooms when MY BFF flopped down in her room and just lay there stunning both our humans. Soon the Vet was on the way and it turned out that My BFF had to go to the horse hospital again. And off she went.

I kept looking at her empty room and I was so worried about her. I was leaking in the corner of my room but didn't want anyone to know. All of the gang and all of the humans were worried and upset too.

Two days pass and there she was!!!! Her Mom letting her out at the gate. Back in our little herd and we were all so glad to see her. Mind you DHMBIAB was being a little over the top and wouldn't leave her be. Everyone wanted to say hello and glad your back and wanted to know what went on when she was gone.

We have had some time to talk since and she told me there were nice humans at the hospital who made her feel better. Got the drip machine, the big glove many times, no food (the horror of this) and had to stay inside the hospital until the mobile room unit returned her home.

We think these Fates were with us since both our humans were there in the afternoon to see her starting to get sick and were able to get her help earlier than our bring in time. So glad they picked that day to hang out and I am so happy to have my buddy home.

Well off to hang out with the girls and make sure My BFF stays fine.

Love to all


Sunday, May 17, 2009


It is hard to imagine that there has been hardly anything too crazy going on and then in a blink of an eye everything happens at once!!!!! Seriously!!!

The Show God and the Kid Across the Hall both went to shows this weekend and cleaned up big time. The Show God doing his thing at the AQHA Show and the Kid Across the Hall (need a blog name for him - digressing here!!!!!) he went Eventing at the local eventing yard. Many ribbons on both their doors and their entourages being happy happy with the results. Everyone is so proud.

Got one over on My Mom the other night... hee... hee. Saw her in her boots and stuff and knew for sure that we were going for a ride. Didn't let on that my shoe got sucked off until the very last minute before the tack starting going on. My pedicurist is out of town too!!! Felt bad after I heard her say we were going to have a little jump school. What evvvveeerrrr!!!!

Then this morning holy crapola... The White Stallion really did it....... Schmucked up his eye good in his room. His freakin' eyelid hanging making all the humans very squeamish. Everyone standing around looking at him bleary eyed and then looking away real fast. He didn't come out with the rest of us. Later heard him bawling his head off from the barn. Waiting for the Vet no doubt. We knew when he got the neck poke..... After a while I saw him with The Other Head Wench eating the tall greens around the outdoor. Looked like his whole face was bandaged but My BFF pointed out that he was wearing a FPS (that is Fly Preventer Shield for the un-initiated). Will have to get the inside 411 tonight after all the humans go.

All is well that ends well so said someone....

Love to all


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We have had some nice days but have been told the sky leaking will begin again tonight. Yeesh!!

Took The Human for a little spin last night. Quite pleasant little jaunt for us both me thinks. I must be getting soft admitting this. I even didn't kick up a stinko in the arena. Mind you I did toss a big spooky dooky when I heard the cat/bird beast and did startle My Mom since she was begging me to stop up there. Seriously this is a bird that sounds like a cat and hisses when you are at the top of the arena. Thought it best to get us outta there but as usual my common sense is over-ridden by My Human's desire to live on the freakin' edge and of course we kept going back to that spot until she bored me into hanging out there.

Others say it is not about this beast.............

Now I have heard the stories about the ghost horse that is in there too, but I must say I have never met this horse personally. Many kids have seen this horse and have lived to tell the tale but I personally wonder WTF they are drinkin'!!!! A little moon shine!!! Heard the LandShark has a still back there now that her tattoo parlour got raided!!!

Oops I wasn't supposed to blab that!!!!

Oh well off to get my tan while I can

Love to all


Monday, May 11, 2009


Again this Saturday past, horrible, horrible weather. Complete with crashing light sticks from the sky along with leaking, more leaking and more leaking still. Our little bog in our field is an ocean. Same with the LandShark's and MM's field. We have beaches now!!!! We all were sent to our rooms early that day but I do think we all smell better since we all got showers.

You could have surfed on our outdoor ring. Again the indoor flooded and water from there came into the barn but not our rooms thank the Horse God.

Yesterday winged monkeys again and we were all back in our dresses and I was wondering if the Old Man Winter dude was about to make an appearance. I think he must of said something to the Mother Nature dame because she made the sun shine in the afternoon and it became much nicer.

Today is nice with sunshine.

All for now



Friday, May 08, 2009

MAY DAY!!!!!!

Finally, the April month is gone!!!!

I've been mostly hanging around eating up the green yummies, getting some sun during the day and showing off my new figure. No one can call me voluptuous anymore. Just svelte I be!!! I need to figure out the picture thingy on this again so I can show everyone.

Some news, The Royal Cousin and Grace Kelly are in our gang now. Miss Fraulein cleaned up big time a show recently has a bunch of ribbons on her door.

Everyone else is good. I thinks the rooms are no longer leaking which makes Little Miss Sweetie Pie and Little Miss Saddlebred happy, happy.

Life is good and the livin' is easy!!!!

Love to all