Saturday, May 30, 2009


I was rubbing my eyes this morning when our Saturday Wenchette crew came in early. We were outside before our usual breakfast time. Somthings up?????

We were checking things out watching a bunch of our humans running around and there was stuff being put up and cars coming and lots of humans being busy everywhere. My BFF had her zoom spy glass (that addiction to the Shopping Channel comes in handy!!!!) and we were all watching and then we saw it!!!!! OMG the stuff has come to us!!!! The humans get our stuff brought to us now!!!!!! I got a stylin' new pink breakaway halter and My Mom got some new cowboy boots and stuff for her. All the humans had fun and I saw the Mom of Bob my buddy from long ago.

The best thing about all this is that we got to help other horses that live at the Cannington Horse Rescue that is on my blog. People gave cash and donated their swag to them. Makes me glad to help out other horsies who don't have as much as all of us.

After we all came in I noticed My Mom looking at Miss Monroe across the hall since she was doing lip curls and wasn't eating. Soon her Mom and Dad were at the barn and everyone was staring at her. MM's Mom took her to the indoor when all of a sudden the Mother Nature Dame struck again and the sky was leaking, tossing light flashes and the Winged Monkeys were howling up big time. Then the lights went out. Seriously, what have we done to this dame???

The humans were again feeding and watering us by those light sticks. They don't scare me anymore but some of my buddies think they come from Satan. I wasn't even able to finish my blog last night since the 'puter was running out of juice since there was no plug in happening.

Thankfully today, MM is fine, the lights have come back on this morning but we still have the bloody Winged Monkeys giving us all a bad mane day. Sloshing around in the field again.

I think this Mother Nature being is just plain mean, but don't tell her I said so.

Love to all


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