Sunday, June 07, 2009


Things have been rather quiet as of late on the little farm, but you know as soon as I think this there is a sheeet-storm of uber portions that causes everyone to worry but I be digressing here as I want to do!!!!

My little gang has discovered the bog!!! Please do not listen to My Human who has gone swimming when my tootsies have felt the pending soaking at a water jump, this is different.

This is true sport.

Each day we have a little friendly competition to see who can come in covered in the most bog mire. We have separate categories for the most unusual spots, the bell boot flip and of course the grand prize being who can lose their shoe today!!!! I am miles ahead in the bell boot flip and I believe that I am in good stead on the shoe trophy and challenging each day in each and every event!!!!!

Got a haymail from my buddy Twizzle saying she thinks she got some bad hooch out of the LandShark's still and felt like crapola last night after dinner. Got My Human going when she discovered that Twizzle didn't look so good which inspired My Human to call Her Human. Of course by then the Tummy Ache Routine (TAR) was put into action. Twizzle said she giving My Mom mare glare when she took away the rest of her supper and her hay and trying to tell her this will pass in a bit so leave the freakin' food FFS!!!!! Said she took it all anyway, WTF!!!!

Soon her Mom was there and both of our humans determined that she was feeling much better, but she did get dragged into the indoor for a bit. She was thinking she would get out of that little aspect of TAR when she went for the grub. Thinking...... not likely knowing our humans and she is bloody lucky she didn't get the big blue glove and stuff.

Thankfully all is normal this morning including that Dame I am no longer allowed to criticize for her choices in weather is back at it making the skies leak again. Not saying a bad thing about her!!!


Love to all including this unmentionable Dame!!!!


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