Friday, June 19, 2009


WTF next?????

The furry mouser caught the attention of My Human yesterday stalking a gargantuan snapping turtle of all things in our outdoor.

With the assistance of our Landlord, one of the Wenchettes, the furry mouser and My Human he was carted off in the wheelbarrow and returned to pond life as it should be. The furry mouser of course was expressing her displeasure later in the paddock but as we pointed out to her the reptile creature could have eated her!!!!

My BFF pointed out that this Mother Nature dame not only controls the weather she is also controls the creatures that roam our little world. Knowing this dame I fear she will bring other creatures to us. No turkeys, no turkeys, no turkeys, puleeeese!!!!

The Bog Boogie has spread to the LandSharks paddock with MM returning to her room covered in mire last evening. Me thinks her human was aghast at the sight of her but she did receive bonus points in our little event. Personally I have the bell boot flip sewn up and I am neck and neck with LMSP in the most mire per day category with MM climbing the standings in this event.

Off to boogie!!!

Love HRH


Unknown said...

HRH: You bet my human was freaked out! In seven years of knowing me, my human has never seen me so filthy and, in fact, by the look of the mud clogging up my halter and my fly mask, thought I had done a face plant in the river! Little does she know! As far as the snapper goes, KEEP IT AWAY FROM ME! If I see it and I think it’s a rock and IT MOVES, no one will be coming back alive! I do not intend to be chomped in the fetlock by a subterranean......TOO SCARY!!!!!

As The Manure Turns said...

We must educate our humans on this new sport!!! Good job last night too by the way. Too bad your human was not there for the spectacle!!!

Little Miss Sweetie Pie was in first place in my little gang!!!

I am hopeful that the snapper has no friends!!! Can you imagine being chomped on the schnozzle????

