Friday, December 28, 2007


Happy New Year to everyone!!!!

Short little note today since I am off to the round bale to git mine!!!!

Love HRH

Happy New Year


Islandgirls said...

SOOOO annoying, been trying to send you a hello for ages but Mom has been saying she is too busy and then she got sick which caused us great concern over who would feed me and the gray beast but she came through and made sure we were looked after. She looked kinda funny though for few days, not the kind of funny she looks when she drinks too much of the white stuff but more like that michelan man fellow, all white and puffy like....
shes ok now and so that mean worry time is over for us. we got so many pressies for the holidays. I am looking regal and beautiful in my royal blue while the gray beast looks very silly in her pink and purple that the other human gave her. We have lots of snow and its not fun anymore cause I sink to my belly and its NOT BECAUSE I"M TOO FAT, its because the snow is deep and soft.They tell me that gray beast is going away for the weekend now that she has new shoes, I said that I wanted to go too but was told that I would have to be ridden so I choose to stay at home and eat instead.I am bored here with no one to talk to but the gray beast who doesn't do much to stuimulate my mind and i have finished eating the tree that was in my paddock so please send me a message and tell me of your antics. I miss chatting.

As The Manure Turns said...

Hay there Miss Island Girlie. I have been wondering where you be. Good Lord you must have been a fretting that the meal ticket wouldn't come through. If you train them well enough they will make sure you are looked after before them. I am glad you human is fine though. I have met her and she is nice and when her and my human get on the wine things get a little crazy. She was here visiting last year you know.

My human is back riding me too. It was ok the first time but now it is getting rather dull in the arena. I hear our coach is coming so at least she will improve the human's skills. I am perfect as you know. Perfection meets perfection. People know this when they look at us!!!!!

Get you human to get you some hanging balls. Better than eating a tree. Plus you get sticky stuff all over your face and it helps when you are on the round bale. It sticks to you so you get more.

So the Grey Beast is off on a road trip. Whatcha goin to do all by yourself?? I know come here!!! What a good plan. I will introduce you to everyone. Haymail me back and let me know when I should expect you

Love HRH

Islandgirls said...

I thought about catching the hay train there on Friday but now I hear theres more white stuff coming and I'm too scared, otherwise I'd come see you then. I want some of that sticky stuff for my face too,is that the apple kind or peppermint? I got sticky stuff on my face other day but I don't think its the same kind, my human turned funny colors again when she saw me so I know it wasn't good. She said it was sap from trees, I made sure I got some pine buds on me too, in my mane and on my eye lids, I thought I was just beautiful....she didn't though.
I digress.... yeah, gray beast is going for a few days but see I pretend to care and I run accross the paddock pretending to break free and then they throw me more hay to be good, works wonderful. Last week though when the shoe fairy guy came to gray beast in preparation for her trip, he had the gall to take her into barn where I could not see if she was also getting treats and so I was having none of that so I DID break through the fence, busted both wires and knocked down two posts, you would have been proud. Mom wasn't too pleased though, said that those posts and wire were the real deal, meaning that farmer Wayne put it there and now he might be see he's the nice farer who lets us use the field. I'm set to blame gray beast though in case he asks. I usually visit him in spring when he comes to repair things and we'll chat then.must go, I hear chow bell and gray beast is no where in sight.

As The Manure Turns said...

OMG!!!!! Last night when my Mom took me out to clean me up since I had a good mud roll she found out that I had been hanging out by the stream and I got in trouble for that. You see, all the white stuff is turning to water and it is making the little creek turn into a raging torrent. She found out because I was being the Rasta Horse again and I had all these burrs in my tail. It took her forever to get them out and then she had to clean my face up since I have been eating my hanging ball. Good stuff and mine is peppermint my fav!!!

You call your pedicurist the shoe fairy guy!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA. I should call mine that. Well maybe not. Thinking that may get me in trouble too. Mine comes with a posse and takes no guff from any of us.

OMG I would have been in so much trouble if I busted all the fences. I would have blamed someone else too. This is smart but you have to be careful.

The Grey Beast is going to be alone with your human all weekend and will have her all to herself. She CAN rat you out. Plus becareful of what you do when she is gone because you won't have anyone to blame other than the cat and I don't see your human buying that one. I get away with more stuff since I have 8 girlies to hang with.

Well if you get in too much muck hay mail me and I will get you a room at my house.

See you soon