Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I am so excited!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! If the rumours are true I am going to do a horse trial and a short course, plus go schooling at the local eventing yard. I can't wait to get out and show off. All the other horses will be jealous of me in my styling new purple dress. It has fancy stuff on the bum part. Mom says it's my show sheet but I can wear it from time to time right now because I look so good in it!!!!

My coach was up on Sunday and my human gave a demonstration of what not to do jumping. I had to find her spots for her and then she was behind the jump and then she was in front of the jump and then she was dropping me in front of the jump. I'm thinking WTF you better get it together or I'm not taking you to the horse trial. You will embarrass me in front of all the other show horses and I'm not having that. I can't have sub-quality on my back in front of others. Fortunately, our coach helped my human and by the last jump she was somewhat in the groove. She needs to practise. I think she should practise on some other kid until she has it together since I am just so together and she is not. Maybe Speedy G or the Devil Pony could fill in since they both owe me.

Oh yeah, speaking of Speedy G, her pet teenage human went and got her the same purple sheet as me. COPY CAT!!! Anyway Speedy has the purple shipping boots to match and my human says she is going to get me some too. Mine better have bling on them.

Today is carrot day and the human got the cash in the right place this week for the carrot lady so we don't have to worry about the never ending treat supply.

Love to all



Islandgirls said...

Well Christmas came again last night. Our human came laden down with pressies galore for gray beast and I. Of course I got the bestest ones, a new tie dye halter than just makes me impossible to miss by all passerbys and they are all stopping to stare, I'm dazzling. I got a new matching lead rope and socks and I'm hot, hot, hottter than ever which I thought was impossible. Gray beast got a new coat which I'd bite into except than I have a nicer one, hers is navy blue and I'm purple of course. There was buckets of magic stuff that the human says it just for me, it says c-a-l-m-e-r on front….theres flowers and dandelion in it so who cares….
We got treats and there was a bunch of other stuff that went into the 'medicin box',,,,that must be for 'you know who' cause she knows I do NOT do Medicin of any kind. We heard the human then tell our man human that the place where she gets all this stuff is closing and there is 20-50% off everything…..I guess than means good cause I'm getting STUFF. She also said that your human will just die to know our new coats are $179.99 plus tax and she got them for $39.50….thats cause she knows the human working there.
I am happy, happy, happy today. OH, the other reason I'm three times happy is cause we are allowed out again, I forgot to tell you, we pulled an ambush other day. Human went away and only the boy human was home so I charged the fence and went to stop traffic with my beauty, they just halted to look at me, a whole line in either direction as far as I could see, they even honked horns in appreciation of me.While I was being admired, the gray beast played in the barn, she tore open five bales of hay and emptied fourteen bags of dust and what a time she had.The man human came home and was less than impressed. When our mum came back at 5am next day she didn't say a word, it was very scary, we thought we'd better be quiet so we just stood there looking at her, she didn't find it funny and I think she was really p-d off about the nine or ten poops that gray beast left on the hay and dust and blankets….I warned her not to do that but she's not that smart yet…
Our human DID NOT speak a word for two days and we got NO treats and worse,,,,we had to stay in ALL day and night….well, how was I to know that the fence could not be fixed..something to do with frozen ground….WTF. BUT last night she was so happy that she bought pressies and we are forgiven…sucker/
We are out today in our new coats,sun is shining and the fence is up…..the snow bank looks high enough to climb over though HRH,,,,,,,shall I dare try ???.......I'll decide after the hay is gone….I'll let you know….

As The Manure Turns said...


I once and only once ran outside on the street to have people admire me. It made my human leak so much and the woman who came and got us ratted us out. Said the police were on the way and really upset my human. We were riding at the time and I could not believe this woman was coming back to tell on me. She got us back in the barn and then came back in the evening to tell my human. I was SOOOOOOOO grounded. I was allowed to go out in the arena only. My human boarded at this place where the crazy owner never fixed fences. This is how I got out. The top rail was down so I just hopped over it and ran for the big road in front. I was scared because I was slipping in my shoes. Once of the human got wind of this I had to promise to never do that again. GAWD I hate it when she leaks like that. Anyway. I have never done this again. She did make the crazy owner human keep me in only one paddock and then my human put shocks on the fence line.

I got a new thing too this weekend. Just smoking but I will do it on my main blog for all to see!!!

WTF is up the Grey Beast crapping on her stuff. I know some of the kids in my barn actually crap in their water buckets too. How effing gross is THAT I ask. But crapping on your stuff ON PURPOSE. We won't talk about my little accident on my rocking cave horse drawing cooler in pink which I love so much. But I digress here.

My Mom also took down my hanging ball saying it was not good for me to have this much sugar. Oh well I really don't miss it much and I did get a good laugh when the human came into my room and got bashed in the head with it. I was so laughing!!!!!!! Hee Hee.

Anyhoo, I am glad you got new stuff and becareful of what your human puts in your food. Humans sometimes disguise meds in treats you know so you eat them.

And stay in your outdoor room. Specimens such as ourselves need to stay in all our glory and beauty for all the world to see. Not a good idea to tangle with the smoke belching things that are on the road with the big wheels. Might scar you you know!!

And slap the Grey Beast up the side of the head. Pooping on her stuff. REALLLLLYYYYYY. Not the sharpest one the tack box eh???
