Thursday, March 27, 2008


So my Mom is a little confused. The big boys are leaving on Monday and there is a bunch of new ones coming in. You know I am very excited to to be having new friends coming and I am trying hard to get my own field when the times comes. Please make sure you speak to my human about this. I'm number 1, I'm number 1.

So, I heard today over the haymail that there was almost too many kids than stalls coming in. OMG it would have been horrible. You know of course if this happened it would have been me, the White Stallion and his brother tossed out into the frozen waste land so the new kids could have a home. This would not be good for my status let me tell you. I like my warm room at night. I hear that the turkeys grow 10 times their size at night.

Anyway, the Head Wenches (my Mom and the White Stallion's Mom) have it figured out so all is fine.

We got one new guy last night and already Diva is lifting her dress. She has not been the same since the lovely Juan left. She just keeps staring and staring at his paddock. I have heard that a new guy will be going in there so she should be happy.

Some new gals are coming too, so this is why us girls are going to be in the fields beside each other. I really want to stay with my BFF and even the Fat Bottomed LandShark but I am not sure what is going to happen. The Royal Cousin thinks she is going to be boss of the new field and me and the LandShark are laughing at that one I tell you. As IF.........

So I will update everyone as soon as I am given the goods.

Off to eat hay



Monday, March 24, 2008


Well the hard stuff is back. Skidding around. I have told everyone to be careful and no getting pissy with each other. Even if I go off around my field the white stuff is crusty and last night more white stuff came from the sky. I am sick of the round bale and I want green grass right now. I asked my Mom and even she says she is sick of it but she can't make it change.

Haarumph. Usually my Mom can fix everything for me.

Like last night, my winter dress is broken. I can't wear it anymore. The front latches have broken. I was standing there with it rolling down my shoulder and exposing my Bossy Bib. Best thing by the way. Better than a bra, get your humans to get you a bossy bib. If you don't know where ask her and she will tell you. They rock. No rubs on me and it dosn't give me visible bra lines. You humans know, like panty lines but in your hair!!! My hair that is, not yours. Twizzle's Mom knows where to get them too.

Anyway now I am in my spring/fall plaid number. The LandShark has the same dress but with her butt plaid is not a good thing. Singing her song again. La tee dah Fat Bottomed Mares.

Very excited about all the new kids coming in. My Mom says us girls are going to get two fields. I am hoping to be boss of mine but she says don't count your chickens. Not sure what that means since I don't have chickens, don't want chickens and don't even know what chickens are. My BFF says they are scary but I am not sure she knows what they are either. She says they are like Turkeys. OMG I HATE turkeys. They are devil birds!!! Maybe I should just wait and see what the humans decided on this one. Chickens, indeed.

Anyway, off to find the Weather Fairy, Mother Nature and that damn Groundhog and hoof them into spring.



Thursday, March 20, 2008


I hope all my friends and my human's friends have a very happy Easter.

May the bunny be good to you all

Easter Surprise



Tuesday, March 18, 2008


With my apologies to Brian May and Queen

Are you gonna make hay tonight
Ah down beside that red firelight
Are you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed mares
You make the hayfield go round

I was just a skinny colt
Never new I was a dolt
But I knew life before I left my nursery
Left alone with the big fat fanny
She was such a naughty nanny
Heap big mare you made a bad boy out of me
hey, hey

I've been singing with my band
across the wire across the land
I've seen every chestnut floozy on the way
But their swishy tails and style
Went smooth after a while
Take me to those dirty mares every time

Oh won't you make hay tonight
Oh down beside the red firelight
Oh and give it all you got
Fat bottomed mares you make the hayfield go round
Fat bottomed mares you make the hayfield go round

Oooooh them fat bottomed mares
Fat bottomed mares
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Fat bottomed mares
yes, yes

Singer 3

Love HRH

Monday, March 17, 2008


Sorry to say a bunch of the kids are leaving us at the end of the month but my Mom says there will be new friends coming so I am very excited about that. More kids who will want to be BFF with me.

The melt is on and there is water coming in my room. My Mom personally cleaned it up the other night and took out a whole wheelbarrow full of stuff. Good thing she did and got me all new bedding so I could sleep that night.

My Mom and the other Head Wench are busy showing off the barn to new humans who hope to bring their kids in. We did go for a little hack in the white stuff the other day and it was sooooooo deep. I was soooooo tired when we came back to the barn. I am thinking OMG I am doing all the work here and you are just sitting up there worried about me loosing me shoes?????

Oh and yesterday it was kind of funny!!! My BFF had a date with the Vet and the new guy accidently brought in Twizzle. Twizzle was lead away from the hay bale saying "it is not for me, not for me" The LandShark was laughing her big butt off. Finally the Vet said that you have the wrong horse and my BFF was brought to see her. Twizzle was really happy that she got back out BEFORE she got poked prodded and the big blue glove!!!!

I must roll on and make sure the Royal Cousin stays in line.



Thursday, March 13, 2008


It just never stops. The horrid horrid weather. On Saturday past we all nearly drowned in the snow there was so much. My Mom had us all come in early since it just never stops. I was ok with it and we all got extra food in our rooms. By Sunday we were back out and the round bale was burried. I am thinking where is the food. Me and the LandShark dug it out for everyone and the day was not lost. When will it ever end. We should be rolling in mud right now, wearing our spring dresses and losing our shoes. But we are not.

Anyway, our neighbour from up the street is moving in on Saturday. She is Royal like me, mind you in a minor royal fashion. Sort of like the distant Royal Cousin. She has been around and hangs out with Speedy G and Devil Pony a lot. I heard she has a big crush on Brad Pitt since she has been giving him goo-goo eyes in the arena. My Mom says her human has to give her blog name. I was going to, but my Mom said no; I must wait. I guess this is ok since I really don't know her very well. Only seen her around a couple of time in the barn when she was visiting.


Not too much happening. No riding since the weather has been so cold and nasty and my human is a wimp. We can't go hacking since we can't go over the snowbanks that are in the way of the fields. We have been nowhere near the forbidden fields since the fall. I took my Mom out there one day a while back and it was nice. We broke the trails and also we went out with the White Stallion and I jumped where the ditch was. I wanted to make sure Mom is ready to go Eventing so I did and took her by surprise. Hee, hee!!!! I think we may go this weekend, but I have to figure out how to get by the giant mounds of snow.

There are a bunch of comings and goings for the end of the month. I feel sad about Mr. Cool leaving and also the big boys. My Mom promises me that there will be new kids to meet so that is good. More kids to show my superior self to. I am just glad that my girlies are all staying.

I must run off now. The new barn guy can roll round bales out by HIMSELF!!!! Must get mine.

Love to all


Thursday, March 06, 2008


I want green grass, gentle breezes not all this winter rot. It is just terrible. The white stuff keeps falling, then the slippery stuff is on the ground and we all have to be careful where we put our feet. My human looked liked a Yeti yesterday!!!!

She stayed home to help with the new day guy. YES!!! We have a guy!! He is very nice and we have all agreed that we like him TONS!! My BFF, the LandShark and everyone is very happy since he is so nice to all us. Chats us up on the way out the field. We all agree that things will be good for us.

Sorry to say that the temporary lodger has moved on. She was only staying with us for a while but before she could go home she hurt her foot really bad. My Mom says she was really lucky that she didn't cut her tendon and that the Doc was able to sew her up. She was not able to properly say bye to us all since she was kept in her room until she was leaving. I sent a hay-mail to her telling her she was welcome back at any time.

I hear rumours that the Island Girls human is coming for a visit soon. Yeah!!! Bring me stuff!!! Gifts are good!!! No more mints though, my Mom says NO!!!! Something to do with my thyroid. Thyroid not haemorrhoid!!! My butt is fine, not like the LandSharks!!! Well hers is just big!!!

More stuff happening but I will fill you all in later. I don't have all the details from me human at the moment.

Love to all