Sunday, January 11, 2009


This is for the uninitiated but I thought I would introduce everyone

HRH - Me - Stands for Her Royal Highness. A fitting name for me I must agree. I have also heard myself referred to in the barn as The Grand Dame. Don't be listening to humans who have other names for me. I own my human who is referred to as such or Mom or sometimes the Head Wench.

MY BFF - My best friend in the whole world. She lives in the room next door and we are the belles of bale out in the field. She is also known as the Dressage Queen from time to time since she excels in dressage and doesn't like to jump. At least she never blabs on about it.

Miss Frauline - my other neighbour in the barn and pasture mate. She is German and we teaching her to speak Canadian eh. She has a Wenchette that works in the barn Does the Hunter thing with her Wenchette.

Little Miss Sweetie Pie - Our youngster. Hard to pick on since she is so sweet. Has great taste in clothing.

DHMBIAB - Stands for DON'T HATE ME BECAUSE I AM BEAUTIFUL. Our current wild child and pasture mate. She is a teenager. Enough said!!

We got a new kid in our gang the other day. More about her later. She is a baby though and DHMBIAB is driving her koo-koo so we have not had a chance to chat

This all the gang I hang with right now but we have others on our little farm that get mentioned from time to time. Sometimes because they do something that makes me laugh or cause a poop storm of sorts at the barn or I find them entertaining.

The Royal Cousin. We are distantly related though our royal lineage. Has her Wenchette that hangs out at the barn and lives around he corner and is a big help to my Mom and the other Head Wench. Used to be in our gang but now lives in front with Elvis's Sister

Little Miss Saddlebred - Zippy girl that loves to hack and and run around but currently has a hurted tendon. Usually see her on the trail. Hangs out with the LandShark bunch

Brad Pitt - Handsome, handsome boy that I used to board with at another stable before he came to our farm. Very acquainted with him if you get my drift!!!

J.J. Another handsome boy who has been on our farm since the begginning. We chat from time to time over the fence line about all the kids we have known. Good guy.

Mr. GQ - Lanky TB who is owns the daughter of the Other Head Wench Very excitable boy, handsome and hangs with Brad Pitt.

The White Stallion - Snort!!! The kid of the Other Head Wench, hacking buddy. He thinks he has his bits and won't hear anything otherwise. Hangs out with his brother Mr. GQ and Brad Pitt.

The LandShark - big bottomed chestnut mare (she has a song sung to the tune of Queen's Fat Bottomed Girls) called Fat Bottomed Mare which is featured somewhere on my blog. Not good at the puter connecty thing so you have to look for it. She is in charge of the other girl field and hangs with Little Miss Saddlebred, Twizzle among others.

Stinky - Lives in the room next to the LandShark in the little barn and they have been together for ever. The LandShark says they are just friends but you know what I say when things are being denied,...... Hum......

Elvis - What can be said about Elvis. Blanket destroyer extraordinaire. Big lovable guy. Tries to make the humans think he is dumb but he isn't. All round barn doofus.

Elvis's Sister - Hangs out with the Royal Cousin and regularly denies being related to Elvis. She is kind of like the Grace Kelly of the barn.

The Kid - Also related to Elvis and Elvis's sister but has been sent off to boarding school for youngsters to get started.

Twizzle - Fun gal that hangs in the LandShark's gang. Had been on room rest for a long time but now is ok but don't like it when the ground bubbles and then gets hard.

The Show God - Handsome boy that does the AQHA thing. He is happy at our little farm since he gets to hang outside all day at our place. When he came he was used to staying in his room all day. A true gentleman kinda like Gary Grant.

A bunch of new kids too on the farm which I have yet to write about on the lap tap but will soon. Everyone is my friend and I love everyone. Especially those who's humans give me treats!! Get you a good mention here if you stay on my good side!!!

Love to all



Islandgirls said...

just got your last haymail comment, my human has been working way hard and I can't get the mits on the puter
Exciting news mixed with concern, little Jiglet the Piglet is coming home and we have a nice room all ready for him….but he hasn’t shown up and its been a week and my human can’t reach his temporary human/they were in a mad rush to build his new room so where the Eff is he’??
I have learned the EFF word cause I have no choice hearing it about 6,000,000 times a day…..always a reason to say it and now the little human that used to harass GB is saying it too, and she used to be the demure one….that little one has also gotten obsessed with looking for nails and such in our barn walls. She goes around every night looking for them since Buck cut his forehead and now has a big bald patch from chewing through our wall and into the next room….that caused a multitude of EFF’s but I digress…
Anyway, the little human has made us all very afraid that if she keeps pulling out nails our house will fall apart.
GB is very pleased these days, she managed to make the little human so nervous that she gave up on her in favor of Buck who is asleep most times,,,GB only listens to her human and that’s wise as she is the driver of the treat and hay train….and keeps us well stocked in orange nummies….
NO I didn’t get the tube when I choked but I was dragged outside into the cold and massaged and walked for a bit. I didn’t think my human could drag me that far but fear makes her awfully strong….
Sunday was a precarious day, our human kept coming and going and bringing bales of hay and leaking with every bale she carried, she was leaking out her nose too and honking and choking, I thought she had been eating beet pulp also and was about to drag her about a bit but then the EFF’s started so I knew she was going to live, otherwise I’d have intervened as we can’t have the grub giver gone…..she was ranting about having the heaves or the equivalent of, and that she should put us all in cans…..WTF…
I am thinking that was not a good thing,,,,but she says that sometimes, usually to me so it can’t be good…..she was OK once she had her friend human there and drank some of that white stuff that is a happy tonic……
Okeydoke must go, human needs to make green stuff to buy us green stuff,,,see ya

As The Manure Turns said...

I too have been having a hard time getting me hooves on the lap tap. I am sitting in my human's rooms with the alley cat crosses and they keep walking on me and the puter!!! One even walked on the tap board. WTF?????

So has your brother shown up yet??

I have to be careful because I have heard the humans say I have a potty mouth????? I can't imagine them mistaking it for "parrot mouth" since I am such a perfect example of prime horsie. Not sure what it means......

Is Buck your other brother??? Know what his name rhymes with!!!?? HA HA potty mouthed me!!! Not!!!

My human was on the happy tonic last weekend past along with Auntie Kim but then the barn frozed up and I can tell you there were a lot of effs by all the humans.

Keep me posted on what is up in your realm
