Monday, February 23, 2009


I gave My Human a big 5:30 am wake up yesterday when she discovered that I have the fevers on my front leg too. Man is she potty mouthed sometimes.

I was not impressed with being taken out of my room at that time of day and I was wondering WTF WHY?? She slapped some of the new stuff on my leg and went to her rooms just a muttering about mud fever being the biggest pain in the you know where. Later, I was sneaking over to her rooms to use the 'puter but found her on it before me. I checked out what she was looking at and I couldn't believe what I saw through the window.

She thinks I could have mange or mites. Triple WTF. I have no mangy dog thing on me nor do I have effing bugs. She CAN'T be serious. I am thinking she always tells the other humans in our little stable to not freak out about what you read on the Internet and there she is doing the same thing. I am probably in line to have a visit from the lovely Dr. M soon since this what usually happens when things aren't right with me. At least I don't think I will get the tubes or worse on this visit.

Today she shows up all bleary eyed for our pre-breakfast hay fest when I see her go straight over to the other side of the barn. Usually she comes right to me so I can greet her with my usual morning cheerful snarl but today she bolted over there. It was about time she got over here. I kept trying to send her messages all night saying that Little Miss Sweetie Pie had busted out of her room and was visiting the Royal Cousin, poking Little Miss Saddlebred, pooping up the aisle and eating the hay all night long. Good thing she stayed on her side with her room because there would have been high hell to pay if she had eaten the hay on our side of the barn.

I let her know this morning out at the bale, while I thought her actions were amusing I do not appreciate having My Human's attention taken away from me. Mind you she does remind me of myself at her age. She is like Mini Me but she says she has better hair which gits in my craw.

Anyway, new bale this morning and I must make sure the gang stays in line. Plus surprise, surprise it is effing really cold again here today and the winged monkeys are out in full force. Saw Elvis getting the scoots with the New Day Guy

Winter, sminther, get lost!!!

Love to all



Unknown said...

Hey HRH—As far as I know, I am NOT related to that Secretariat guy at all. In fact, my GGF is Northern Dancer and my GF is Vice Regent, which is likely why I am inclined to run first and think later.....I want to know what a winged monkey is???? I think I might have had some of them on my back when I was little. Oh well, it’s hard for me to concentrate on this, so I am off to eat and run around and wait for my human to show up. She found some heat in one of my legs last night, so I bet I AM OFF again.....YAY!

As The Manure Turns said...

It is very sad for me since I know not about my parents. I had no family until I got The Human. Just a bunch of bad Humans who sent me to the bad place. Good thing I am as beautiful as I am and ended up meeting My Human Mom at the crazy riding school she was at.

A winged monkey are invisible. They blow air around. I think the humans call it wind.

Not like passing wind that is different.

Hey did you notice me having fun with My Mom last night when she was scrubbing me legs?? I kept lifting my tail. It is such sport to watch her clear out when she is down near my hiney. It was hard to save the big poop until she was gone though. I'm thinking pooing on her head would send her over the edge right now. Watcha think????
