Saturday, February 14, 2009


Oh my!!!!

Seems like the Ground Hog, Mother Nature and Old Man Winter are in cahoots. They never stop tossing horrible, horrible weather at us all on the little farm.

Everyone was happy happy a few days back since we got some warm air for a couple of days. Got to wear my stylin' rolla dress and all. The mounds of white stuff was going away nice and slow and there was no slippy stuff.

All of a sudden the sky starting leaking really bad. It just came and came and came and then the next day too. That day it was more like leaking white stuff.

Then we heard............

OMG Little Miss Saddlebred's room was floating in it. I am thinking "Just great. If that side of the barn is floating then what about my room and My BFF's too?????" Of course I can't get near the 'puter so we are waiting to find out. Little Miss Sweetie Pie is worried because her room is next to LMSB and also Brad Pitt lives on the other side. Meanwhile we are nearly drowning in it outside. I look at MY BFF and she has her snorkel outfit on. Oh yeah, she is so smart getting that from the Shopping Channel!!!!

Then we hear strange noises coming from the barn. What the Hades is going on in there???? We can all hear since our paddock comes up near the barn and there is this roaring noise coming out of it and the humans don't look any more stressed than normal and I am thinking ........???????

Seems they have some human machine that sucks water out of things it doesn't belong in. My Mom was very excited about this but alas....

LMSB had to room across the hall overnight. My room was fine and so was My BFF but the humans were not impressed that the other side leaked after they fixed the first side. I heard them blaming Mother Nature.

Now, I have been meaning to introduce the gal across the hall. Bay like me and everyone says she is bootyfull..... Well her booty has nothin' on the LandShark's!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I just kill myself ; move over Joan Rivers!!!!!! Her Blog Name will be Marilyn Monroe and may be referred to as MM.

She has been here a couple of months now and the New Day Guy is one of her humans. She yelled a lot when she first came and me and My BFF kept looking at her and telling her to SHUT UP. Well she did so we think she is ok. She hangs out in our aisle so she gets gussied up in front of my room all the time so we have chatted a bit. Her Mother Human gives me treats at night so I think she is spot on!!!!!!!!

I must say though I was taken back a few days past when I was un-ceremoniously undressed out my rolla dress and then MM was modeling it!! I am thinking TRIPLE WTF is this????? Where is The Human???? Does she know that other humans are stripping me naked??????

Soon enough order is restored and I am dressed again and I think of course MM's human just wanted to see what a spectacular specimen I am. Must be nice to keep the treat train coming.

Now the cold stuff is back again. I heard the humans talking about this Old Man Winter guy. What kind of sadistic cad is he???? Are the bloody Ground Hogs his evil little rodent trolls?????


Off to ponder life's mysteries

Love to all



Unknown said...

MM says her human read a bunch of this blog to her and she really enjoyed it. Since both of them have ADD, it took awhile to absorb it all. Still, MM is happy to be included since she truly believes the whole world revolves around her and she is never happy when she is left out of anything, most especially treats of any kind. She wants everyone to know that after the lovely Natalie asked her to canter in the arena last night, she is still in full racing form—11 years old and the call to the post is still ringing in her (long) ears. She says BYE for now.

As The Manure Turns said...


I don't understand why our humans would have a problem with the entire world revolving around us. Why else would we have them????

I still got the freaking mud fever thing on my white leg. Got new stuff since the old stuff seems to have stopped working causing The Human much distress.

Got the Natalie Wenchette riding you?? She is a good one but I warn you she will not take any crapola. So no thinking you are Secretariat's sister.

Make sure your human keeps the treats coming!!!!