Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Finally some nice weather has been sent and I have been enjoying the sunshine and gentle breezes.

Stuff happening as always.

DHMBIAB has a hurted tootsie and she is being stoic about it and trying not to show it. It is big give away when she came out this morning and had diaper wrap on her foot. I won't laugh because I know how much this hurts. She said she fought the humans all the way last night when they were putting it on. Just shaking my magnificent head at her and told her you don't fight the humans when they are trying to make your tootsie better. She said My Mom, the LandShark's Dad and Little Miss Sweetie Pie's Mom were all there and she said that she made them all work really hard. She said she wouldn't let them pick up her tootsie and they were all grunting and groaning and stuff. I guess I can live with it since My Mom looked like she had intentions of riding me last night.

My poor Mom and the Wenchette of Miss Frauline had a rough night last night. Elvis's sister had the scoots and skedaddles when she was coming back to her room and then she slipped going in and fell down. Scared everyone but she is ok.

This morning My Mom comes into the barn and the carnage. Hay from one end of the barn to the other and one of the Big Mama's in the LandShark's bunch is eating all the freaking hay. The hay from MY aisle and she pooped all over it too. I sent a haymail to the LandShark and asked her to puleeese get her ladies under control. Seriously WTF!!!!!!

A glimmer of hope came in about the furry mouser Husky. One of the Wenchettes said that he had been coming by another barn she works at in the hood. My Mom and My BFF's Mom and Dad and the Royal Cousin's Human went over to look for him but he wasn't there. So we are hopping that he comes back there or here or something. I think all the humans feel better thinking that he is out running around but he missed by everyone.

So tomorrow is the big day. The lovely Dr.M is coming to deal with my fevers and stuff.

The green stuff is trying to poke their heads up in the paddock and I am doing my level best to git each and every one before anyone else can.

Love all


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